Example sentences of "say it [be] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some people say it is a sign of intelligence .
2 Organisers say it is a chance for landlords to get information on the new 20-year leases .
3 If I say it is a work of art , it is work of art .
4 Union leaders say it 's a choice between a pay cut and job losses .
5 The English Basketball Association say it 's a question of strength … not just skill .
6 Councillors admit the decision wo n't stop hunting but say it 's a way of bringing public opinion to the notice of the Government .
7 Environmentalists say it 's a dinosaur of the road
8 Cos as I say it 's a mixture of a few you see .
9 Jehovah 's Witnesses say it 's a form of divine protection .
10 Hunt supporters say it 's a victory for democracy — anti hunt campaigners have vowed to continue their fight to get hunting banned .
11 Savernake 's fly-fishers say it 's a victory for anglers everywhere .
12 The Scottish Prison Officers Association say it 's a move towards privatisation .
13 They say it 's a matter of great urgency .
14 They say it 's a matter of principle .
15 But as , as I say it was a job at that time and and in fact I 'd never , this was the only factory I had n't fancied , working in was the B M K , and yet I like it the best .
16 He says it 's a symbol of the governments way of treating immigrants .
17 Paul says it 's a sport for all the youngest who 's been in a raft is 5 … the oldest is 95 … anyone can come and see what it 's like playing in whitewater
18 Jane says it 's a tribute to the player 's determination that he ever played again .
19 He says it 's a bit like a dating agency without the romance , farmers with orphaned lambs are put in touch with farmers with Ewes which have lost their offspring .
20 Ben Matthews of Oxford cycos says it 's a bit like ice hockey , not like polo .
21 What 's caus David says it 's a lack of vitamins ,
22 Yes , it says it 's a reconversion of bungalow to house , West Hill .
23 It 'll mean cleaner air and fewer road accidents , and although farmers do n't like the new law , the green lobby says it 's a chance to practice organic farming on a wide scale .
24 The man who wrote the music and compiled the volume of verse says it 's a testament to his love affair with the area
25 Deanes says it 's a cry for help . ’
26 The company says it 's a victim of competitive tendering .
27 She said it , tear it up mum she says it 's a load of bull that 's all that is .
28 Lisa says it is a matter of gaining confidence with breastfeeding .
29 She says it was a breakdown in communication and they made an error .
30 He says it was a house of horrors .
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