Example sentences of "say that it have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Immediate matters arising from the appointment of Louis Gerstner as the next chairman and chief executive of IBM Corp : Gerstner says he made three IBM executive decisions — all of them undisclosed — during the five-block walk from the Midtown Manhattan Hilton where the announcement of his appointment was made and IBM 's Madison Avenue offices ; and while many say that it has looked to be that way for most of this year , it seems that for a couple of days , IBM really will be leaderless , because John Akers says he will resign at today 's board meeting , and Gerstner is not due to take up his posts until Thursday .
2 Obviously you need to appeal to the Regional Committee if as a branch you 're not happy , but this rule should n't need to be bent , we should have one that is ours to be used for branches , the General Secretary himself says that it 's happened on several occasions so let's be a real trade union , not one that borrows from Peter to pay Paul , let's have a proper rule for branches .
3 After the judgment , Price Waterhouse issued a statement saying that it had acted in good faith according to its understanding of the conflict of interest rules at the time .
4 So what , what , what could it am I right in saying that it 's related to the , the work that you 're doing is related to the particular circumstances the particular problems that people living in flats have had ?
5 Well yes , yes in terms it sounds mos most confusing compared with a straightforward business world but if , if , if the campaign are saying that it 's got to be this way for legal reasons they 're not prepared to accept it .
6 But The Sun thought that ‘ the meeting was a bogus one , if it was held at all ’ , further alleging that this clandestine organisation ( which said that it had met in secrecy because it feared Hooligan reprisals ) was a put-up job by someone in the pay of The Daily Telegraph .
7 The environmental pressure group Glasgow For People said that it had called on MPs to urge Strathclyde to cancel its plans for Glasgow road projects costing more than £200 million .
8 The association said that it had heard of several cases in which EHOs had ordered unacceptable action from wine and drinks wholesalers under the 1990 Food Safety Act .
9 R150 ] , said that it had resulted from " no known cause " .
10 Today , as one of Gorbachev 's advisers , she goes further to say that it has led to the formation of social groups with diverging interests and destroyed the rational relationship , however slight , that existed between work and money .
11 I do n't understand therefore how you can ex say that it 's targeted to primarily to manufacturing .
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