Example sentences of "say that [ex0] have been [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He says that there have been occasions when he 's had a gun held to his head and been told to operate on someone 's brother first , or he 'd be shot .
2 Knill said that there had been progress in collaboration with HEIs over responsive mode funding and with NERC 's institutes .
3 Ayatollah Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , in a speech on June 10 said that there had been disorder in three towns ( Mashad , Shiraz and Arak ) where a small and subversive counter-revolutionhad taken advantage of the authorities ' leniency ; he warned municipal institutions not to provide pretexts for the stirring up of further disturbances .
4 Several Scottish players said that there had been talk at the dinner about the possibility of one of the Romanians hoping to stay in Scotland .
5 A report on Russian radio of April 26 said that there had been clashes in Shusha and Agdam between Azerbaijani government troops and armed units of the Azerbaijani Popular Front .
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