Example sentences of "say that [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 The playgroup leasers support this petition and say that they would have a valuable role preparing the children for nursery education , feeling that the children at four plus need more than the s playgroup can offer .
2 But music types in Manhattan and Hollywood say that they can see a country act as plain as a barn door .
3 You will understand when I say that I should like a poem to stand as preface to your book , a poem which we have both admired so much , Thomas Hardy 's ‘ Afterwards ’ .
4 The regulation on the export of cultural goods outside the EC says that they will need a licence .
5 Parker says unequivocally that the future of the mainframe lies with Open Edition MVS , but he says that we could see a new generation of mainframe-class systems based on multiple RISC processors , again based on a similar idea to the SP-1 and that this will be the natural place for AIX .
6 He says that it would make an ideal site for tourist related businesses .
7 Unix Systems Laboratories Inc says that it will release a beta version of the promised Architecture Neutral Distribution Format for independent software vendors by summer .
8 Tony always says that you can tell a happy motorcyclist by the flies on his teeth .
9 ‘ It 's the Iti 's turn to have a go at us tonight , Hitler has said that they may have a good go at us , as a reward for their help to him . ’
10 We all know that there is some disturbance outside — you have already said that you will make a statement on that — but it is unusual for the doors not to be locked by this stage in a Division .
11 It is often said that you can discover a great deal about a person 's character by the books on their shelves .
12 However , the Swedish food and medical group Procordia , which is selling a 28% stake in Liber , has said that it would make a SK350m profit on the sale .
13 I join with the hon. Gentleman in saying that we would appreciate a statement to Scottish Members at some point .
14 personally an and from er and the rest and he , he 's gone to this area and he 's looked and he , he 's seen and he may have interpreted this , or wanted to interpret it so that when his report went back that the , he was saying that we must get a move on to the people in the Party saying that we need to get involved now , we need to be in all these areas , we need to be helping things develop and , and being a part at the front .
15 ‘ Your reasoning ’ , he says , ‘ is the same as saying that we can get a rose through planting a noxious weed …
16 Now if you look at the figure for , say , Westminster , which is a London Borough much in the news in these matters , you will see that the government is saying that they can have a standard spending assessment of seventeen hundred and twenty seven pounds per charge payer .
17 ‘ I am saying that I can produce a printed Sherlock Holmes story by Conan Doyle which contains the words ‘ Elementary , my dear Watson . ’
18 I 've just found a note to myself saying that you 'd like a Harrap 's French-English Tin Tin au Pays des Mots — written at Christmas .
19 Self-government for Scotland was given the thumbs-down by the Scottish business community , with more than 60 per cent of respondents saying that it would have a detrimental effect on business , while only 10 per cent thought there would be some advantage .
20 On May 28 UK Secretary of State for Defence Tom King dispelled speculation that the Rapid Reaction Force would be predominantly European by saying that it would include a US army division .
21 Mr John McDonnell , QC , for the company , had urged Mr Justice Hoffman to exercise the court 's power to the full , saying that it might take a year for the case to be heard by the House of Lords .
22 According to a report In ComputerWorld IBM is now saying that it 'll have a single micro-kernel-based operating system for OS/2 and AIX within two years , allowing users to run Unix or OS/2 applications in either environment .
23 Is the right hon. Gentleman saying that he would give a commitment on any terms less than those that we are prepared to give ?
24 Two thirds of those questioned said that they would visit a betting shop in the evening .
25 Meanwhile more than 40 per cent of respondents to an opinion poll said that they would prefer a return to more centralized economic management and only 25 per cent wanted a market-oriented system .
26 Of 10,000,000 workers polled , only 10 per cent said that they would support a strike in protest at the government 's economic policies , although 86 per cent expressed willingness to participate in protest demonstrations .
27 The range of speakers , sizes of groups and value of Richard Holloway as a keynote speaker were all praised , and two out of three participants said that they would attend a similar event again .
28 He said that they should see a speech therapist .
29 Some of us said that we would keep an eye on what happened to that Act in the years that followed .
30 When I said that we would need a plant in our team , then would he be seen as being more of an innovator ?
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