Example sentences of "say that [conj] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Goldie takes one look at Rainbow 's shaggy ankles and sighs ; Rainbow says that if she has to wear tights or stockings , we might as well forget the whole damned thing .
2 When she had said that before she had meant it , but now she realised she was lying ; she was wanting to make him feel better and she was also hanging on to her old life to feel safe .
3 ‘ You wo n't be saying that if we have to close the factory and put everybody out of work . ’
4 The Draconian armies swept down from his sleevies ( think about it ) , and overran the Elven lands of Qualinost ( try saying that when you 've had a few ! ) .
5 We stopped again to buy olive oil and garlic , for Lili said that although she had vowed not to interfere she was going to cook dinner and , while my mother would complain , she would be grateful in the end .
6 Throckmorton said that after he had spoken in the House against the Act in Restraint of Appeals , he had been praised by Fisher and two other clerics , Nicholas Wilson and Richard Reynolds [ qq.v. ] , who told him that he need not persevere with such speeches if they seemed to have no effect , but that his example might be of value to others .
7 When the man eventually got home that day he told the assembled villagers of our meeting , and my warning , and said that after he had watched me go round a bend in the road a hundred yards away he started to light the cigarette I had given him .
8 Mostly , these were people in lower socio-economic groups ; but it is worth noting that even in these groups people with high credit commitments , or people who said that if they had to arrange a loan it would be for a relatively large sum of money , generally said they would prefer monthly repayments .
9 You called your wife a tart , which is your business and hers , but you also said that if you 'd known where she 'd gone you would have caught her at it .
10 Then , when pressed by his principal private secretary , Colonel Waterhouse , he reluctantly said that if he had to advise , ‘ he would put Baldwin first ’ .
11 Miss Armstrong said that when she had visited Wolsingham Comprehensive School , one of the first users of the Echo on CD-Rom , she had been kept on her toes by the fact that the pupils were well-informed about things she had said and done .
12 ‘ I said that when I 'd finished the Shaw book , I 'd disintegrate , ’ he told me .
13 He questioned the new Clause 's sponsors ' understanding of what was ‘ normal ’ , and for good measure said that when he had visited the Soviet Union he had not liked it — there were no sex shops , a lot of censorship , and they denied that homosexuals existed .
14 He welcomed his wife and Erika briefly , said that as he had prepared the meal he was not going to wash up , and retreated into his bedroom .
15 Now , if we 're going to allow an organisation like that , have we no erm chance to say that after they 've had their collection , we should like to have some indication of what percentage went to Oxford , so that when they apply again , we can at least know whether this is actually a genuine local organisation or national .
16 Now I have to say that since I 've seen a report from the Students ' Union and have read it through , I was actually shocked at the level of harassment that that report seemed to indicate .
17 It is to say that whether it has done so can not be determined by asking whether the statute requires a certain state of facts to exist before a decision is reached : all statutes always do this .
18 She went on to say that although she 'd done what she could from her Oxford home , and encouraged her friends to do the same , eventually she just had to pack and go to Orkney .
19 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
20 ‘ I know it sounds bizarre to say that when someone has made an awful lot of money and had a lot of fame and adulation , but you can wreck their minds , you can wreck their self-ego and esteem by giving them the whole wrong picture of themselves by pretending they are good at one thing when they are not and boosting other things .
21 He would say that unless he has examined an area himself he regards it as unexplored .
22 Let me say that because we 've done a trial with wet peat we did a trial with dry peat .
23 ‘ I feel I should say that if I had to get washed up on a beach minus my memory I was lucky the beach was yours , Dr Vaughan . ’
24 But I should say that if I had to buy them , I would do as I did with the ones I have — buy from a breeder .
25 ‘ You would n't say that if you 'd seen the old Zambia in action , ’ Leila said , pulling a sour face .
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