Example sentences of "say be that [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 All , all I 'm saying is that we need to , before we literally start dotting I 's and crossing T's in any literal sense is to sussed out whether that 's gon na , whether they 're going to be receptive to the subject matter .
2 All that Ormrod J. is in fact saying is that there has to be a woman in a marriage , because someone has to perform the essential role of a woman in the marriage , and this essential role is to be a woman , biologically so determined .
3 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
4 What they would say is that we have to , perhaps we do have to leave things to the individual , but we should leave as little possible to individuals , as little as practically possible so that we should the people involved in making all the important decisions , particularly the carrying out of them that we have to leave to particular appointed individuals .
5 All he could say was that it had to be called a great and profound change , and that it had happened , ‘ I have a feeling of being at home when I am with her , as though she gives me my own hearth , a feeling that our lives are interwoven . ’
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