Example sentences of "would have be [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I have no idea how i it went around a up in the northern hemisphere , over Scandinavia , and Georgia 's in the south , so you 'd have think it 'd have been weak by the time it got down I 'm not a scientist , I have no idea what
2 Had Aldous Huxley introduced a sub-plot into Brave New World , where the remains of a dead man were cannibalised to save the lives of 50 strangers , only for them to succumb to a lethal virus hidden in his tissues , his readers would have been impressed by the fertility of his futuristic imagination .
3 Carey continued : ‘ I doubt if He would have been impressed by the argument that the goats had been waiting for these things to trickle down as a by-product of economic growth . ’
4 This ‘ de-focussing ’ therefore helps to reveal any real patterns although , of course , it would have been unacceptable in the original table , the function of which was to.provide an accurate record .
5 Their main conclusion is that the earliest occupants of the Klasies River Mouth site ( before 100 000 years ago ) were modern-looking people ( Homo sapiens sapiens ) who would have been ancestral to the indigenous African Negro and Klioisan peoples .
6 It is therefore significant that this feature is also seen in the Trias of Spain and Morocco , which , according to the most generally accepted plate reconstructions , would have been close to the eastern seaboard of the States .
7 Mind you I suppose it would have been close to the house .
8 ‘ Schnell , bitte ’ Lefevre 's injunction , on the other hand , would have been unnecessary in the French capital , where one and all drove like madmen .
9 This primitive image would have been appropriate to the fierce power of the sun in the eastern deserts .
10 Only from a record that would have been available at the police station or from officers knowledge .
11 This means that in the case of a community service order , the court which revokes the order must sentence the offender to a sentence which would have been available on the occasion when the community service order was made , and if it is considering whether the offender qualifies for a custodial sentence for the purposes of Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) , must consider his history and attitude on the day when the original order was made .
12 ‘ Under normal tax law , these would have been available to the enlarged group under the same conditions and to the same extent as for any other UK group . ’
13 It followed that the Court of Appeal could not substitute a term of three years ' detention under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 , s.53(2) , despite the fact that that sentence would have been available to the sentencer in the Crown Court , as there was an effective sentence in place .
14 If the defence of volenti would have been available against the employee , it will be available against the employer ( ICI Ltd v Shatwell [ 1965 ] AC 656 .
15 So it would have been possible for the GMC to try to challenge the basis of clinical ecology .
16 None of this would have been possible without the development of a woven artificial grass .
17 Asking the way down with the glory of sight restored would have been stupid in the extreme , and I gave secret thanks for my ego salvation .
18 Perhaps one is being a little punctilious , but some clarification of these , and other , matters would have been helpful to the novice .
19 Any offer of help , even if presented as a humanitarian gesture , would have been controversial in the US and Israel , which still sees the PLO as a terrorist organisation .
20 They would have been invaluable to the inquiry — and to the crew , as book and movie offers pour in — but were lost when the wreck was smashed to pieces on the island 's rocks .
21 This was a sensible and useful method of reference ; one which would have been invaluable to the gatherers of simples , who must have been grateful to find the information in a reasonably priced book .
22 The maximum ACT offset is limited to the amount of tax that would have been payable on the profits assuming they had been charged at the basic rate of tax ( s 239(2) ) .
23 The commission at 2.5 per cent would have been 25 , and a fee of 4 ( 1.5 ) = 6 would have been payable to the clearing house .
24 And Sarah Morey would tell her that it did n't matter , though on any other day she would have been irritable at the delay .
25 It would have been better placed a couple of weeks later ; at least the readers would have been familiar with the mood and pace of the album .
26 The question to be addressed by an industrial tribunal in a particular case is whether a man would have been dismissed by the employer if , in the same circumstances , he would have been absent for the same length of time for medical reasons .
27 Above all , whoever occupied the throne would have been subject to the powerful pressure that Nicholas experienced from the United Nobility , the Orthodox Church and reactionary leaders of the Right .
28 ‘ Agreement was reached that , rather than play an anthem for one team and not the other , which would have been discourteous to the visiting team , no anthems at all would be played .
29 My inclination was to decline , but as that would have been discourteous in the extreme to Wilson , for whom I then had enormous respect , I agreed to see him .
30 It is too small to have been used for storage or drying , but would have been suitable for the mistress of the house to sit at her small wheel to spin .
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