Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That would have made rather a stirring final scene for my Education ?
2 She would have rustled up a little casserole or coq au vin while he laid the table beautifully .
3 So that had she been able to take her history exam , she would have needed rather a good grade there , perhaps a better grade than her past performance suggested she would have attained .
4 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
5 Normally his provocative question would have sparked off a fiery response , but now , feeling gloomy and depressed , Luce said nothing .
6 As sport is popularly thought of as a leisure time distraction rather than a central life interest or a possible career , it would have held only a marginal interest to the first generation .
7 I would have welcomed even a reproachful speech from the coroner but all I got from him was an expression of sympathy .
8 Even if he did win , the owner would buy him in after the race , so that Boardwalk would have paid back a small fraction of his training costs .
9 By eating the herbs , the fish would have taken on a slight herby flavour themselves .
10 This would have been , not because of the doctrine of estoppel ( which would have required either a deliberate misleading or negligence by her ) , but because of her signature on a document which , as was apparent on the face , was intended to have legal effect and which she had authorised the trader to complete .
11 There was no question but that the army , the Lebanese Forces militia , and a whole new wave of volunteers would have put up a desperate resistance .
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