Example sentences of "would not [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 and that acceptance would not preclude them from running a Unionist next time , promises that caused trouble later .
2 If he were to conform to the strict rules of etiquette and combat guiding the danseurs nobles of the French opera-ballets , he would not demean himself by seizing the nearest thing at hand , the rudder from his boat , to put his adversary to flight .
3 The lord of Parfois was a law to himself ; if he ever did discover where Master Harry lay buried , the Severn would not stop him from pursuing the dead with his living and virulent hatred , the Welsh border would be no bar to him , even the sanctity of the church would not restrain him .
4 She might say , and I would not blame her for saying , that the Strangeways riot and the riots associated with it have given cause for a total and radical rethink .
5 So in sense then that er the extent of your injuries really would not debar you from working offshore as far as you understand ?
6 Will Thorne — MP , trade unionist and patriot — declared that the patriotism of West Ham socialists would not prevent them from taking a strong political stance on relief questions ( SE 15 August 14 ) .
7 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
8 That would not prevent anyone from calling it what he pleases :
9 The government remained reluctant to recognize UNITA until it agreed to end its destabilization campaign , while UNITA would not commit itself to ending hostilities until its future political role was guaranteed .
10 Alan Dysart , the outspoken junior Defence minister , yesterday insisted that attempts on his life would not deter him from denouncing those seeking to overthrow democracy in Northern Ireland … .
11 She hoped that Constance would not embarrass her by telling Mick that she wished to be a kennel-maid : she 'd changed her mind anyway .
12 ‘ Your God would not thank you for throwing away your life .
13 Well , but the child had been good and she would not deprive her of saying to her friends on Monday ‘ I went to the fair ’ .
14 They could all meet there and he would n't embarrass her by coming into the bank while she did her little bit of business .
15 This had been a cruel blow , but it would n't stop her from ensuring that justice was done .
16 so that he would n't upset himself by barking , that 's why I tapped on the window when I saw you .
17 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
18 ‘ I would n't insult you by thinking I could learn enough in a couple of days .
19 ‘ You could see them beforehand — of course we would n't publish anything without showing you . ’
20 Levi , the fellow whose clothes are so ordinary that Payne Stewart would n't use them for dusting his furniture .
21 She would n't humiliate herself by seeming to be drawn to a man who had appeared to dislike and distrust her on sight .
22 The hospital staff would n't thank him for provoking another .
23 If one runs out of the latter one can use paper tissues instead , though I would n't recommend them for pressing fragile flower heads as the tissues can leave a slight pattern on the petals .
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