Example sentences of "would [be] [vb pp] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would be very carefully calculated and they 'd be given the right amount of the proteins that they could use to grow , because in the first years of life there 's very rapid growth and development is n't there ?
2 Paragraph three , the action plan , er well it will guide itself evidence this , the statements made under the action plan , from section three of the report will guide our activities over the next three years and of course paragraph four performance the critical success factors , by the seven criteria we will be judged in the highway service and each one is a challenge in its own right and I do hope to receive in order to carry out these er , these er promises in fact , that erm , I 'd be given the relevant level of financial staff and resources
3 If she 'd been on 4AD , she 'd be given the same amount of attention as the Muses , Pixies or Breeders .
4 The DHAC announced that the exercise would be repeated the following weekend ; although the police warned that they would have to intervene this time , the demonstration went ahead and was extended to forty-eight hours .
5 Floella is a visitor and would be owed the common duty of care .
6 On the other hand , they would have been inspired by the promise that they , as loyal adherents of the Messiah , would be granted a unique recompense for their fidelity and for any suffering they had incurred .
7 The EFTA countries , the richest countries in Europe as a group , would be granted a privileged relationship in return for a full share in the burden of supporting the economic development of Eastern and Southern Europe .
8 Moreover he persuaded his father to agree that if the terms imposed on the rebels last summer were not acceptable to them now — as obviously they were not — then they would be granted a fresh hearing in the King 's court .
9 A lawyer speaking for the families said they would be appealing against the Place of Safety orders , and that the appeal would be heard the following day in Kirkwall Sheriff Court .
10 Thus it might be that the old English case of Woodhouse v Brotherhood 1972 ] ICR 186 would be decided the same way under the Directive , because the facts , as found in that case , were that the transferee employer used the factory and the machines to produce different products from those made by the transferor and sold them in different markets .
11 While most of the cases which were decided under the heading of gross negligence would be decided the same way under reckless manslaughter , from cases such as Lamb , above , manslaughter by gross negligence may survive despite Lord Roskill 's statement in Kong Cheuk Kwan v R that the term was not to be used .
12 The latter would be called a subjective budget and would list items in headings such as buildings , staff , rent , rates , capitation , in terms of the total spent in each category , rather than show how part of each category related to a particular programme .
13 The dominant families of the other papers had what now would be called a low profile too .
14 When it was clear that Henry was outraged and in a mood for immediate retaliatory action , James decided on what in current jargon would be called a pre-emptive strike .
15 I 'm sure once people realise what smashing dogs they are , lots more Greyhounds would be assured a happy retirement — instead of being abandoned , exported or used for experimentation .
16 For once some contributions to her funds were assured , since delegates would be charged a small fee for their food and lodging .
17 Our working relationship , I am sure , would be made a great deal easier . ’
18 ‘ She told me she and Mellor had long chats about politics , and that it had been suggested by the Prime Minister that at the end of the year Mellor would be made the new Party chairman . ’
19 He had been promised that once he had obtained his colliery manager 's certificate , he would be made an assistant manager .
20 There would be revealed the incredible amount of effort which in the name of ‘ god ’ , has been expended on all those evil things that it should be the objective of the kind of religion that the human race hungers for , to banish from the face of the earth .
21 Following two days of heavy fighting around Osijek , the main town in Slavonia , with heavy army involvement , Tudjman on Aug. 22 issued an ultimatum to the Presidency warning that unless Serbian aggression against Croatia stopped and the army left Croatia by Aug. 31 , " all necessary steps " would be taken to protect the republic and the army would be declared an occupying force ( which would be equivalent to a declaration of war ) .
22 Into this would be built an early warning system to keep the business on the right financial track .
23 My ticket would be sent the next day .
24 I 'm sure if anyone wrote in they would be sent an appropriate form .
25 I 'm sure if anyone wrote in they would be sent an appropriate form .
26 They would be given a 15-second credit at the start of each programme , 10 seconds at the end and the chance to screen their name either side of the break !
27 Officers failed to tell Simon Kinnersley , 42 , that he would be given a sterile mouthpiece which had been sealed to blow into .
28 In the resultant Postlethwait audio-tutorial laboratory , open from around 7.00 a.m. to 11.30 pm. , the student could come at a time of his own choosing ; at the entrance he would receive a descriptive hand-out explaining what books , notes , equipment would be necessary to bring along ; once inside he would be given a botanical specimen and would enter a pleasant area equipped with a multiplicity of booths or carrels .
29 The Commission issued on Oct. 25 , 1989 , a revised set of proposals for the harmonization of excise duties , under which member governments would be given a minimum set of duties for each product , together with a non-mandatory target rate .
30 In February 1989 the proposed new terms and conditions were outlined by letter to staff and , after subsequent fruitless negotiations with the unions , in April 1989 a notice was sent informing the employees that the changes would be discussed with them , that they would be given a reasonable time to consider the new contracts and that they would be dismissed if they did not accept them .
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