Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [that] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If you weighed them , you 'd find that it was probably a thousand times , ten thousand times less in weight than the ovum and er also many times smaller in volume , and this is typical .
2 Erm and certainly I think I think in going to neighbourhood panels it was it was to serve a democratic process of tenants being able to panels local to their that area and I think in that sense erm it has been successful and certainly , I think as far as we were concerned er , it avoids the perhaps intimidating nature of , of tenants appearing in a large centre of the various panel which er I think was er , certainly one of the members wishes when we started on a neighbourhood basis but , yes it was our intention and , I would think that it 's quite reasonable to ask us to bring the report to the next meeting er with a better explanation of how the council works so far .
3 When he rang Eleanor he would explain that it was only to be a simple snack .
4 No-one with even a passing knowledge of tax would doubt that it is now one of the most complex areas of an accountant 's work .
5 The onus , one would have thought , lies on those who would show that it is not the case that the fact that God , whether in the form of the Father or of Christ , has been seen as ‘ male ’ , is an underlying factor in western culture , distorting human relations .
6 ‘ Any analysis of big clubs who have tried to buy success would show that it is only a tiny minority who succeed in doing so . ’
7 Time would show that it was not quite , perhaps , such a close union as the Queen thought and that mutual esteem between sovereigns , while useful , was no substitute for hard and fast agreements between states .
8 No doubt the publishers would claim that it was all in the pursuit of the greater truth , in the way that the slimy tabloids and the unspeakable Sunday Times do when they are parading some particularly unpleasant piece of gossip .
9 I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that sufficient numbers of Timbury type continuing care units will be provided .
10 The high sensitivities obtained in some centres would suggest that it is technically feasible to obtain tissue confirmation by cytology in all patients with hilar strictures .
11 I would suggest that it 's probably in that region , yes .
12 Ouija is made up of the French and German words for ‘ yes ’ , and this would suggest that it was originally an ‘ answering machine ’ for the spirits of the board .
13 Although anti-abortionists would maintain that it is morally wrong to dispose of a child even if it will live no longer than a week at the most , many more people doubt the right of a mother to dispose of a child with Down 's Syndrome who stands a very good chance of living a lengthy life .
14 Their Lordships said that if it had been saleable only at a ‘ throw away ’ price , that would indicate that it was not of merchantable quality .
15 There are , moreover , reasons for expecting an attack upon the Reeve , which in turn would mean that it is not solely his unsuccessful pre-emptive strike that establishes a state of enmity between these two characters .
16 It would seem that it is particularly difficult for older children ( over twelve ) , institutionalised children , or children with behaviour or severe learning difficulties , to settle in new families , at least without serious and lasting problems .
17 I do not want to make too big an issue of the large sums of money that are spent on taking LTA committee members and officials around the world , travelling in premium class and always staying in the best hotels , although it would seem that it is considerably more than the amount of money actually spent on transporting the competitors themselves .
18 And indeed it would seem that it was only at about this time , in the Europe of the late-sixteenth century , that a few thoughtful men first began to think seriously about the moral nature of mankind as a whole , as against the older , narrower concept of the moral nature of " ourselves " , God 's chosen people , ranged against " the others " , the barbarians , who were only part men , unnatural monsters , beasts .
19 So I would emphasise that it is very valuable to measure suffering ; suffering is associated with poor welfare but there can be poor welfare in the absence of suffering .
20 At the magistrates ' court , chairman of the bench Pat Partridge said : ‘ I think we are all aware of the signs in the area and I think my colleagues would agree that it 's not a very good excuse . ’
21 I think he would agree that it is not a suitable location for the provision of refreshments for visitors .
22 I think most of us would agree that it is highly desirable to use words precisely .
23 It is this flexibility and remarkable performance that makes the Beaver so versatile , and I would imagine that it is ideally suited to Tony 's purposes .
24 I would imagine that it 's very soon .
25 ‘ Although I would say that it 's primarily in the interest of that segment of business itself , ’ said , general manager and deputy treasurer of the Bank of Scotland , ‘ everyone has a complementary role to play ’ .
26 That 's nothing , I probably would say that it 's not contentious , while it 's Institution policy , and
27 ‘ I suppose the newspaper which started it would say that it was just a bit of fun .
28 It is hard to say what the theme of the book is , but I would say that it was probably about the development of the relationship between Finn and Jim through their adventures .
29 He not only attacks the SEC for being politically grounded , suggesting that the SEC 's limited resources are being focused on those least in favour with the enforcement agency , but by adopting the Stigler ‘ interest theory ’ of regulation , he argues that if one were to look for the supporters of anti-insider dealing provisions , one would find that it is neither society nor the markets , but the SEC itself .
30 If you could measure the pressure of the water in the capillary tube or in the pore spaces of the cloth , you would find that it was below atmospheric pressure .
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