Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [conj] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd thrust a window-sized fist through a window , he 'd kick off the roof , he 'd roar until the walls crumbled , he 'd explode .
2 During that process the proposals are amended — it is not impossible for them to be amended , although to hear Opposition Members speak one would think that the proposals went straight from Commission draft into law without an intermediate stage .
3 The House of Lords upheld the award , ruling that the writers ' intention was immaterial ; what mattered was whether reasonable readers would think that the words used applied to the plaintiff .
4 But in the middle , cases would arise where the courts had to exercise their discretion , cases where differences of degree merged almost imperceptibly into differences of kind .
5 The social contract involves our sacrificing a portion of our personal liberty to achieve this end , but not out of some innate desire for the common good , since ‘ If it were possible , every one of us would prefer that the compacts binding others do not bind us ’ .
6 Liability is contested in this case and we should be grateful if you would consider whether the injuries sustained by our client are consistent with his/her version of events .
7 Of course , sensible managers would know that the accounts did not include any orders issued against which invoices had not been received and would , therefore , keep their own record of these so that they did not overcommit the budget .
8 If the Minister had bothered to listen to the submissions made to him or if he cared one iota for the industry , he would know that the figures come from the farmers .
9 Erm for me I would feel that the police having a r a low profile , erm is more beneficial er and I think perhaps maybe , erm the community policemen type of thing , could have been helpful .
10 When Esau next asks him about the purpose of the three droves sent on ahead ( it would appear that the slaves accompanying them have not passed on Jacob 's message ) , Jacob answers , ‘ To find favour in the sight of my lord . ’
11 By the outbreak of World War II rather more was being made of the ceremony itself , but it would appear that the reasons given by working class couples heading for the altar were still somewhat pragmatic .
12 It would appear that the parasites have fled underground — their traditional defence .
13 The incident took place in the course of the miners ' strike , within several miles of four collieries , and the policeman in charge said that he had reason to fear that a breach of the peace would occur if the miners continued on their journey .
14 Whatever this strange apparition was that held them in its awe , reality would return when the bangs announced a train that belonged to this world .
15 The Commission is present at the political co-operation meetings , which proves useful and important , but it does not have the monopoly of initiative , as it would have if the meetings took place under the treaty of Rome .
16 I soon had the bike back in working order and if the distances were n't too great , I would ride while the others rode in the van .
17 The report clearly shows that Opposition warnings about what would happen after the reforms have proved to be completely false .
18 C. What would happen if the Russians come , then ?
19 If the intention , in the week before the election , was to scare people about what would happen if the Tories won again , it did n't work .
20 Car and pursuer would coincide before the women noticed that they were being tracked .
21 Hunt , who lay second in the championship , said he would race if the officials decided the race should start , and Clay Regazzoni , his Ferrari team-mate , said he would anyway .
22 It would seem that the priests fought a hard election campaign for the liberals began to press for the limitation of clerical deputies — a step inconceivable in 1809 .
23 If elected , Mr Dunlop , who is also a past chief executive of Commercial Union , says he would question whether the services offered by Lloyd 's are efficient and cost effective .
24 He would plead that the plugs had been planted by someone who bore a grudge against him , and the story would be quickly put round the plant that it was the foreman himself who had fixed it , to settle an old score .
25 They would pass into the baby universe and would reemerge as the particles emitted by another black hole .
26 INTEREST rates could rise and the outlook for inflation would deteriorate if the Conservatives lose office , according to a detailed economic analysis published today by the Ernst & Young ITEM Club , a forecasting group that uses the Treasury model .
27 ‘ Oh , God love us , the dirty old east wind is coming up , ’ her mother would say as the trees turned colour .
28 Only a fool , though , would deny that the contrivances have a point ; only a very careless reader would think that the entrelacements of this romance are purely for variety , and have nothing to say about ‘ the fundamental character of reality ’ at all .
29 No responsible biblical scholar today would deny that the Pharisees have been grievously slandered and maligned by Christian tradition .
30 We would argue that the benefits exceed the costs .
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