Example sentences of "say [is] that [art] [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 But I think , but I do think it does mean that the first thing we say is that the work is more important than some of , maybe some of the , the nicer to have three year projects at the moment .
2 What , what , what he 's saying is that a revolution is taking place here and it is , within a very short time it 's gon na spread on into other provinces .
3 In your case , what I suspect the landlord is saying is that the lease is excluded from the operation of the 1954 Act because there was a Court Order before the grant of the lease .
4 The first thing to say is that the spool is large and ribbed — this helps stop the bedding in of line that can sometimes occur .
5 So , I think we should say we are sceptical , and I think the paper puts it correctly er , we are sceptical of whether the reforms of the first consortium in fact , is going to meet the needs in terms of new health area and I know that time will come , they 're talking about the lot , it 's gon na wonderful and that the our economies should get all I can say is that the likelihood is the only f the area committee er , so that residents can comment managers , but since we 've already had a nine hundred percent increase in senior management in the health service in the past five years up from nine hundred to over ten thousand at a cost of fifty to two hundred and fifty million pounds I 'm rather sceptical about that one as well !
6 ‘ All I can say is that the law is the law and its enforcement requires no commendation from me . ’
7 What the ads do n't say is that the food is as low on nutrition as it is high on unhealthy fats and additives .
8 Well , all I can say is that the strain is driving Jim and me to distraction … . ’
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