Example sentences of "say [that] she have [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then she took me to the centre by saying that she had asked my husband and had given permission .
2 She had written to her mother giving no address , saying that she had left her husband and was going abroad , that she could do nothing more for her mother and had her own life to live .
3 She lied to Dr Wyn , saying that she had wrenched her shoulder , since although there was nothing inherently shameful about noises in the head she did not wish to confide in him .
4 The staff nurse said that she had thought it strange that this statement should have been volunteered ‘ out of the blue ’ moments after her mother had arrived .
5 He woke in a fury two hours afterward , and said that she had upset his rhythm and that he had to make some calls .
6 He said that she had betrayed her husband , her sons and , above all , her Queen .
7 No , I I think it was somebody I was talking to from Bretford who said that she 'd gone she was looking after the
8 They would never be able to say that she had accepted their charity .
9 She wondered whether to say that she had missed him .
10 Except , of course , she could never — ever — tell them what that folly had led to — even if , looking back , she could now honestly say that she had done nothing to provoke it , that she could have expected anger from Havvie at her changing her mind , but never that he would do as he did .
11 Did I say that she 's given me the diary ? ’
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