Example sentences of "say [that] [pron] [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , you say that you were waiting a year !
2 One then says that one is doing a ‘ numerical experiment ’ .
3 In fact IBM says that it is pushing the MPTN technology as a standard as long ago as December 1991 when it submitted the underlying MPTN approach to the XNET workgroup of X/Open Co Ltd , which is still considering it .
4 She says that it 's made a great difference , the swan can now struggle to it 's feet .
5 He says that it 's doing the business no good at all .
6 She also says that she is doing the ride again next year …
7 He says that he 's heard the shipping companyw ant to re-export the dog , but it would be a brave man who risked trying move the animal in it 's present condition .
8 He says that he 's joined a few agencies , with no luck .
9 He says that he 's advised the farm owner that conditions are n't up to scratch , he says he 'll return to check that things have been put right .
10 Phil Farrand says that he 's spent the last two years building the car and has put hours of work into it … his machine runs on the same amount of power that drives a toaster or a hair dryer so much for ceremony … with the sun blazing down its time to race south … the track is the main Stewart Highway …
11 Many of you have said that you are finding the two morning services a help in meeting others .
12 a London colloquialism has been used , Napier were saying that we 're doing the tutoring we would be happy to set the exam paper but with say
13 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
14 Imagine if , for instance , we could get him standing up in public , get him photographed , on newsreel , all around the world , saying that we were fighting a just war , that Hitler was insane , that we had to win .
15 c ) Support CHAS nationally at Christmas — rather than send your family and friends socks or hankies — make a donation to CHAS in their name and we will send you a card , with a ‘ Gift token ’ which explains what you have done , saying that they are helping the work of CHAS .
16 Now it 's made the people , I have friends in Moscow , who are saying that they are losing a lot of their food supplies , because the West are taking the most throw down prices so that the Yugoslavs and the Romanians can get the goodies they want for us .
17 A few times she shouted at them , saying that they were disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood , but this did not discourage them ; a few evenings later they would come back with new songs .
18 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
19 Around one fifth of those replying to one question said that they are offering the general SVQs in partnership with another organisation , while one third are seeking partnership for the Skillstart awards .
20 On May 27 police in Tamil Nadu said that they were holding a Sri Lankan Tamil woman for questioning in connection with the assassination .
21 When questioned , many of these firms said that they were having a radical re-think of the way in which exhibiting money was spent .
22 He said that they were making a positive contribution , not only to the quality of life , but also to the prosperity of the nation , because without chemistry life on earth would be more miserable , more painful and certainly shorter .
23 You s you you said that you 're using every resource
24 so , he said that she 's feeling a bit down in the dumps and quite moody .
25 It also said that she was to stand no nonsense from Sheik Hasseinen 's messenger .
26 ‘ I just said that I was having a drink with her to ask her what she would really like as a wedding present from the firm , because men are no good at that sort of thing . ’
27 Baker said that he was referring the case after new examination of the forensic evidence given at Ward 's trial by government scientists , who were also involved in the cases of the Guildford Four , the Maguire Seven and the Birmingham Six .
28 In January 1989 the Secretary of State for Education and Science said that he was expecting a doubling of student numbers during the next twenty-five years .
29 ( a ) That one night in June 1986 at ‘ Illusions ’ night-club the defendant said that he was having an affair with Paulette and that , if Zaidie ever laid a hand on her , he would kill him .
30 An illustration of deception by words is Banaster ( 1979 ) 68 Cr App R 272 ( CA ) , which held that a judge was entitled to leave to the jury the question whether a mini cab driver at Heathrow airport deceived a foreigner when he said that he was driving an " airport taxi " because the foreigner , who was on his first visit to England , might have thought that the taxi was an official one .
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