Example sentences of "say [pers pn] [verb] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During their 2 year study of the site , Thames Water have been at pains to co-operate with local action groups , but environmentalists say they 've been misled about the plans for the reservoir .
2 They 've also blocked off the railway line , and British drivers say they 've been threatened at knife point .
3 But hospital staff say they 've been vindicated by the inquest verdict .
4 Workers at a Grand Prix racing team which is facing receivership , say they 've been betrayed by their management .
5 RSPCA staff say they have been inundated with inquiries about the dogs at Sadberge kennels following an article in The Northern Echo .
6 People living near the mosque at the junction of Princes Road and Bow Street say they have been kept in the dark about the reasons for recent building work .
7 They say they have been waiting to be moved from the ‘ temporary accommodation ’ ever since .
8 They say they have been waiting to be moved from the ‘ temporary accommodation ’ ever since .
9 One or two of the boys would go in there , fellers of the village , and they would stop there all night , and the next night ; and they say it had been known for it to go the week ; have a week settin' in , staying in the pub .
10 Above all we must disregard any traditional idea and never , never , be put off by statements of ‘ practical men ’ who say it has been tried before or it will never work ; these two feeble and slavish statements have destroyed countless ideas and they have been the rocks against which many brilliant minds have foundered .
11 And he would ask a few questions , say he 'd been looking for a few hours .
12 They say he 's been stopped from dispensing NHS prescriptions . ’
13 ‘ You say he 's been charged with assault … ’
14 ‘ Why , they say he has been thrown into prison for debt ! ’
15 Grampian Police say he has been identified as a Northfield resident but his name is being withheld .
16 he says I 've been talking to that wee feller and he was talking about the pub which got .
17 He says I have been flying for four years .
18 The holy spirit gives us a new prospective on life and it , it , it deepens our relationship with God , we do n't have to try and make , make a success of our new Christian life by ourselves , you know it does n't matter whether you 've been a Christian for a week , for a day , for twenty , for fifty years , if you try to do it one day by yourself you are guaranteed failure , there is no way you can do it , it does n't matter how long you 've been a Christian or how short a period , you can not do it , if the great apostle Paul , he could , he said I can do nothing of myself he said I am not sufficient , for all my learning , for all the wonderful visions I 've had , for the knowledge that God has given to me , that I 've been able to write these great apostle 's , he says that I can not do it myself , I ca n't live this Christian life myself and the tremendous thing that none of us , no matter who we are , we do not have to try to make a success of our Christian life on our own , it 's a partnership and God is the senior partner in it , he does n't expect us to do it by ourselves , listen to what the , the , that , the same apostle Paul says when he 's writing to the , the Gelation Christians , in , in chapter two , verse twenty , listen to what he says there , he says I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I know live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and delivered himself for me , he said I do n't do it by myself , why not , very simply cos he ca n't , he did n't know how to , he did n't have the power to do it he says but the life I 'm living , I live by the power of Christ who died for me , who gave himself for me and who now lives in me now by the holy spirit
19 But local mum Carol Lambird says she has been locked in a wrangle with Durham County Council for the last two years after her son Christopher was diagnosed as dyslexic .
20 A woman with leukaemia says she 's been sacked from her job as a secretary because of her illness .
21 Cavell says you 've been invited to the awards ceremony , and she 's asked the organisers to seat us together .
22 is the space like he , he says they 've been woken by .
23 He says he 's been asked about it , but he ca n't help , and anyone who uses it is banned .
24 DCI Harris says he 's been eliminated from the case . ’
25 Paul says he 's been left with quite severe injuries .
26 Since he started selling the devices Mr Tudor says he has been inundated with orders .
27 Thus , a Keeper of Italian Painting would have responsibility for the Italian drawings , thereby not only linking their administration and scholarly maintenance but also bringing drawing into the direct relationship with painting which Clifford says he has been advocating for many years .
28 Childrens World marketing communications controller John Forester says he has been talking to agencies with the knowledge of the incumbent GGT and insists there is no review of the Sears-owned business .
29 Clint says he has been sitting on the story of Unforgiven for 15 years waiting to grow into the part but denies that this could be the last time he saddles up and rides off into the sunset .
30 Sixteen-stone PR ace Brian Cartmell says he has been approached by Buckingham Palace to give them a new image .
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