Example sentences of "say [conj] they have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The agents dealing with the sale of the mill say that they 've already had inquiries about the site , for a number of uses .
2 Almost two-thirds of respondents receive their own copy of Newsline without fail , and two per cent say that they have never received it .
3 Many retired couples say that they have always shared the chores , but even a couple of the same sex sharing a home may have allocated each other certain jobs over the years , and need now to rethink who does what .
4 He says that they 've never caused an accident .
5 That 's what I said to that Ann , be able to get something on that somebody says that they have n't said it and be able to play it back to them .
6 She says that they have n't got a clue what 's going on .
7 Dr. Kerr had said that they had not done so — but he was ‘ too wordy and declamatory for a witness ’ .
8 In fact , those who retired prematurely were less likely than those who waited until pension age to have said that they had ever thought seriously about early retirement ( 24 per cent compared with 44 per cent in the age-group 60 and over ) .
9 However the representatives of NEC and Fujitsu reserved comment , saying that they had not received official notice of their position and that they looked to the future to reveal this .
10 Members of the Islamic Nahdah movement ( Mouvement de la renaissance ) , led by Rachid Ghanouchi , were reported as saying that they had not put up candidates because of the government 's continued refusal officially to recognise the party .
11 And he commanded and requested the Christians that they should show great honour to the Moors , and respect them , and greet them when they met : and the Moors thanked the Cid greatly for the honour which the Christians did them , saying that they had never seen so good a man , nor one so honourable , nor one who had his people under such obedience .
12 and , I am saying that they have n't got the lease
13 The two reportedly denied reports that they had left their London hotel to attend the Palestine National Council ( PNC ) meeting in Algiers in September [ see pp. 38453-54 ] , and the PLO news agency Wafa on Sept. 26 said that they had not attended the PLO meeting in person , but had sent a message which was read out to the political committee .
14 A survey of retired people by MORI revealed that nearly half of those questioned said that they had not made sufficient allowance for inflation .
15 Carrie asked them anxiously , and they only said that they had not seen him without saying how ridiculous the question was .
16 But other members said that they had not known of plans to attack Mr Reagan .
17 By the end of the day , many of them said that they had not talked to so many people since the last Newbury Rally !
18 The police said that they had n't realized that they had to keep it .
19 The Head of Department said that they had already started to implement the recommendations to them .
20 Almost three in four stated that for work purposes they bought good quality clothing to last , but almost half also said that they had completely ruined an item of clothing during working hours .
21 He said that they had never forgotten her ; nor had he forgot ten Slavko , with whom he used to play .
22 Responding to criticism from neighbouring countries , including Russia , the Chinese authorities said that they had always exercised restraint in nuclear testing and that China was still committed to a complete ban on nuclear testing within the framework of effective nuclear disarmament .
23 He says I 'd better go and check the money so he said erm but what he could n't understand was they wrote to him and said that they have n't paid the cheques but they did n't say anything about freezing his account !
24 That non-enrollers were more likely than migrants to say that they had n't done a course because they needed other qualifications could imply ignorance of entry requirements .
25 To say that religious beliefs have infiltrated discussions of scientific method is not to say that they have directly affected scientific practice , for statements about methodology have often been rationalizations , used to justify a research program already in existence .
26 Respondents were asked to say whether they had actually received assistance from relatives at the time when their own children were born , and also to indicate whether they would turn to relatives for support in three hypothetical situations , of varying degrees of seriousness : to borrow tools or materials ; if the respondent and/or his wife were ill for a couple of days ; if illness lasted several weeks .
27 Even though it was common knowledge that the Merkuts were the power behind the throne , no one could say that they had ever demanded precedence after Artai .
28 Although the Secretary of State for Scotland condemned district and regional authorities such as Lambeth , Hackney and Strathclyde , no one could say that they have not tried to collect that money .
29 We , we had a letter from the International Secretarium in August or September I think saying that they 'd changed the law and all prisoners of a certain category should have been released and our prisoners were amongst , our prisoner was amongst that list , but erm , they did n't say that they have n't got any definite news whether he had been or not , about the release .
30 Few women brought up in India can truthfully say that they have never felt Sharam .
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