Example sentences of "say [conj] [pron] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 As the problem which prompted the question has been resolved by the Inland Revenue , will my hon. Friend pass on to its staff the thanks of many Members of Parliament for dealing with issues that we have raised on behalf of our constituents and say that we hope that the problems will continue to decline as tax rates come down rather than go up ?
2 Although the Shorter Oxford Dictionary says that it means that the person has drunk ‘ intoxicating liquor to an extent which affects steady self-control , ’ it is arguable that the person must have taken intoxicating liquor to excess so that he has lost the power of self control .
3 Mrs Whitehouse 's response was again immediate , and she says that she thought that the poem was ‘ like the recrucifixion of Christ , only this time with twentieth-century weapons ’ .
4 The Queen returned , but it was said that she insisted that the Shah get rid of Gilda .
5 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
6 The European Commission has said that it hopes that the projects will receive formal approval by the end of the year .
7 It is said that he advised that the centre should be incorporated , and a company ( ‘ C.M.C. ’ ) was duly formed on 29 April 1983 .
8 Couple of points that were made in relation to this particular report was the backing by the employee side , erm , to the wages board initiative that took when we wrote to the government saying that we felt that the abolition of the wages board was not in the best interests erm , of the people of Lincolnshire .
9 When the Thyssen Collection captured Mrs Thatcher 's imagination in 1989 , the National Gallery wrote a report saying that they thought that the Sutherland Collection was far more important to this country .
10 During 1964 a backbencher asked about the amount of news broadcast by TBC , saying that he thought that the Voice of Kenya broadcast more .
11 And he had tried to be helpful about the blotter , staring at it with almost painful intensity before saying that he thought that the black markings had n't been there when he had last seen the blotter on Monday evening .
12 The writer is saying that he understood that the church was not really interested in helping the poor , just in attracting new members to the church for its own glory and ultimate gain .
13 On the teletext today it had a few words from Fergie saying that he reckoned that the no. of points they need to win the league is 84 .
14 Th you said or you implied that the women were surprised that er that they could have power and you use it effectively .
15 The judges hearing the petition said that they hoped that the delay would cool protests which had already cost some 70 lives .
16 Er I I know you 're submission was was was very clear in in in the sense that you said that you said that the figure proposed by North Yorkshire was would create no problems .
17 When the series of sessions with the advisory teacher came to an end , Betty said that she thought that the work had gone well and that the children had enjoyed it , although she had noticed that the response of the ‘ difficult ’ children , whom she also described as ‘ poorly motivated ’ , was much the same as usual .
18 He said that he thought that the wife entered into the charge of her own free will but that he would probably not have mentioned the question of undue influence to her at the time she executed the charge .
19 The Head of Department , however , said that he thought that the effort had been worthwhile and that he could not imagine any other means as effective .
20 Mr. Newman said that he felt that the threatened closure of magistrates courts would mean there is no longer going to be a system of local justice in the country .
21 In retrospect he said that he felt that the review had been a good thing for the department .
22 The presence of former United States President Jimmy Carter as an observer during the December 1990 elections and at Aristide 's inauguration was an indication of Haiti 's re-entry into world affairs ; the Jamaican Prime Minister , Michael Manley , said that he hoped that the country might be incorporated into the Caribbean Community and Common Market ( CARICOM ) .
23 Kozakiewicz said that he hoped that the President would now " act constitutionally and sign the draft law " .
24 Chen Ziyang , deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Chinese State Council , said that he hoped that the appointment would be " favourable to Hong Kong 's stability and prosperity and favourable to the smooth transfer of power " .
25 Its leader , Mahmut Alinak , who in May had resigned from the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SHP — the junior party in the governing coalition ) said that he hoped that the OZEP would absorb the former Kurdish nationalist People 's Labour Party ( HEP ) .
26 The Head of Department then said that he considered that the criticism had been constructive , that he accepted most of it and would try out various changes .
27 The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace , a human rights monitoring group , said that it appeared that the violence had been sanctioned to frustrate opposition to the formation of a one-party state .
28 Dennis Henigan , of the Legal Action Project at the Centre to Prevent Handgun Violence , called the decision a " big victory " , and said that it showed that the Second Amendment was " no threat to reasonable gun laws " .
29 Nineteen ninety three is gon na be the first year in which the full benefits of this cost cutting are gon na come through and whilst it 's always a continuing process and there will be some further redundancies , I am glad to say that we believe that the bulk of the redundancies are now behind us .
30 The Governors wrote again , to say that they considered that the School 's present difficulties and deficit of £170 6 4d were due to the introduction of the previous Scheme ( by then only six years old ! ) and to the establishment of Higher Grade Schools in connection with Elementary Schools .
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