Example sentences of "say [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the staff at Westonbirt say lose one claim to fame , gain another .
2 Good software could be said to provide two levels of usage — idiot and expert .
3 There is the belief that even if criteria of rationality differ across forms of thought , at least individual forms of thought could be said to contain discrete pools of rationality .
4 This point emerges in the discussion of Henry , for the play is said to exhibit all aspects of war , the heroism and the cowardice , and these call forth the high and low styles .
5 For instance , adding 1.630 Kg and 250 g might be seen as sterile so the question becomes , " A recipe says add 250 g of sugar to 1.630 Kg of flour — what is the total weight ? "
6 More than this , many constitutional authorities have become uneasy about the behaviour of governments in the light of the doctrines of mandate and the manifesto which are said to give effective power to party activists and extremists outside of parliament .
7 On the positive side , market penetration may be said to represent some sort of indicator .
8 York Euro MP Edward McMillan-Scott welcomed the move which he says overturns 1000 years of history dating back to Viking raids on Britain .
9 The three other countries were said to have better systems of information — information used by communities , by employers and by individuals .
10 Raytheon is said to have first orders in hand .
11 Even employees who come into personal , face to face contact with the employer 's trade connections , can not always be said to have sufficient quality of contact .
12 Transmission across the callosum takes time and necessitates crossing at least one synaptic junction , during which the information is said to undergo some degree of transformation such that it arrives at the second hemisphere in a comparatively degraded state ( McKeever and Huling , 1971a ; Gross , 1972 ; Gibson , Dimond and Gazzaniga , 1972 ) .
13 British policy towards the European Community could be said to involve careful application of realist principles — the pursuit of national self-interest , narrowly defined , through participation in the single market but opting out of the social chapter .
14 Moldova 's parliament approved the new " government of national accord " , said to include four portfolios for Dnestr representatives , between July 29 and Aug. 4 .
15 Oh no you said mixed Chinese vegetables in beef I do n't know
16 Despite the shock she had received , she could see that what Oswin said made some kind of sense .
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