Example sentences of "will [adv] be [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's unlikely they 'll ever be repaid in full .
2 Healthy and happy Koi will only be found in perfect water conditions .
3 Michael Feist Countryside special sites could be in open countryside away from Government policies concerning sustainability , I wonder how Professor Lock would see the situation emerging whereby a local authority has allocated a certain amount of land in its local plan for development for industrial or commercial purposes , it 's tried to erm identify a broad range of criteria but it also identified special sites erm which will only be released in exceptional circumstances , that happened to be an open countryside and had the advantages that it may be a little close to the A one or somewhere similar .
4 Entities will normally be displayed in small capitals .
5 The regularities which the discourse analyst describes will normally be expressed in dynamic , not static , terms .
6 The objects clause of a memorandum of association will normally be drafted in broad terms to enable the directors to have scope to manage the company as they see fit .
7 A new calculation will soon be published in Physical Review Letters by Levan Surguladzo , also of the Institute for Nuclear Research , and Mark Samuel of Oklahoma State University .
8 The Dutch company 's small production plant at Weert will be able to continue running efficiently while supplying the diminishing demand for both companies — small amounts of CFCs will still be permitted in essential medical uses after the deadline .
9 Digital Equipment Corp has packaged a cost-optimised 100 MIPS 10 Watt Alpha chip , some DECelx and OSF/1 real-time software and services to attract OEM customers in the embedded market , and hardware samples are promised for the summer ; the chips will also be used in single-board computers , the company says .
10 These chips will also be used in single-board computers .
11 Thus the relationships of domination and subordination found in the infrastructure will also be found in social institutions .
12 Intel Corp president Andy Grove told the annual meeting that the company 's chip business remains strong and that it is ready to fight new competitors in the market place , Reuter reports : ‘ Our response to all these competitors has been to concentrate on getting better and faster products into the hands of our customers , ’ Grove said , adding that Intel was meeting demand for the 80486 but dealer and customer inventories were tight ; capital spending this year is now likely to hit $1,800m , up from the previously planned $1,600m ; executive vice-president Craig Barrett said the next generation P6 microprocessor will probably be unveiled in late 1995 or early 1996 ; Intel holders also approved a two for one share split to take effect in June .
13 Mr Jordan said a payout , the first of several , will probably be made in early December .
14 If she has always been an outgoing person , her grief will probably be expressed in painful episodes of weeping , punctuated by the need to ‘ talk it all out ’ over and over again in great detail to you and to other sympathetic relatives and friends , and you will help her a great deal if you are a patient listener .
15 Thus , fair treatment of agents and ex-agents cultivates a reputation as a good and fair employer and this , in turn , will probably be reflected in future dealings in that country .
16 HCIMA has been working closely with ARA Services to see how the standard can apply to catering and John Sharpe FHCIMA , the company 's quality development director , admits that contract caterers , unburdened by the extra difficulties caused by owning premises , are perhaps better suited to the concept than other sectors and will increasingly be asked in tender documents about their approach to BS7750 and its quality assurance forerunner 5750 .
17 The former is itself a fascinating tale that will surely be told in full elsewhere , of how interested parties helped to orchestrate the episode and stimulate financial investments in ways that have been widely criticised in the scientific community .
18 The year-long process will then be repeated in leprosy-infected areas .
19 The sound will then be re-recorded in binaural stereo using a dummy human head with a microphone set in each ear .
20 Will never be seen in public after his press conference in the ‘ Jennifer 's Ear ’ soap .
21 The routine will therefore be described in manual terms before we consider the advantages of investing in a controller .
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