Example sentences of "will [verb] [to-vb] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 However , I use Guitarist Readers ' Ads myself , as do most of the staff here , so we know just how successful they can be ; of course that also means we can see where the service can be improved and we will endeavour to see that it does
2 At that price bidders will need to know whether it 's still got all its the original characteristics .
3 The core will need to recognise that it does not have a monopoly of expertise and knowledge .
4 The smaller the black hole , the shorter the distance the particle with negative energy will have to go before it becomes a real particle , and thus the greater the rate of emission , and the apparent temperature , of the black hole .
5 ‘ She seems all right but we will have to wait because it has been very traumatic . ’
6 If a general payment is made , the tribunal will have to interpret whether it does actually cover both basic and compensatory awards .
7 The mother will protect it from predators , such as eagles , and will try to ensure that it does n't fall down the mountainside by always standing on the downhill side of it .
8 Your pulse rate will continue to decrease until it reverts to the first reading .
9 If the diaphragm is torn ( a wc may be difficult to flush ) , or the washer is worn , it may prevent the ballvalve from closing properly , and the cistern will continue to fill until it runs out of the overflow .
10 This , with the already established Course I , will continue to operate until it has reached due completion for students currently in training .
11 In that case it will continue to grow until it becomes a gross and bloated two hundred kilos or more .
12 Once the pursuit is on , it is simply a matter of whether the killer will start to tire before it manages to reach its victim .
13 Even a fairly stable trailer will start to swing if it overtakes or is overtaken by a large truck .
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