Example sentences of "which would have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ashton thus created a special style fur a particular character which summed up — as it were — her whole being , but which would have been unsuitable for any other ballet .
2 They not only allowed the third party an action which would have been impossible at civil law , but also permitted specific performance .
3 The system has also been ported to an MS-DOS environment , an operation which would have been impossible for the rule-based system .
4 She had hung up a Breughel pint , and the golden patterns on the wall brought it to life — the Elizabethan diamond panes casting shafts of light and designs which would have been impossible through a modern window .
5 With this freedom , much could happen which would have been impossible under Lanfranc .
6 Opportunities have become available to them which would have been impossible in hospital .
7 Every act I took which would have been impossible in my own age served to disperse the sheet-anchors that held my personality .
8 In the 1920s and 1930s a large percentage of the so-called ancient material which would have been familiar to interested collectors was the product of this well-established manufacture .
9 This means that in the case of a community service order , the court which revokes the order must sentence the offender to a sentence which would have been available on the occasion when the community service order was made , and if it is considering whether the offender qualifies for a custodial sentence for the purposes of Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) , must consider his history and attitude on the day when the original order was made .
10 This was a sensible and useful method of reference ; one which would have been invaluable to the gatherers of simples , who must have been grateful to find the information in a reasonably priced book .
11 In contrast , the comparative stability of , for instance , Mesozoic environments might have allowed the establishment of complex ecosystems characterized by comparatively stenotopic organisms , which would have been vulnerable to even modest environmental vicissitudes .
12 A gene which causes its carrier to forgo reproduction in favour of raising relatives will increase in frequency in the population if the number of replicas of the gene in those relatives is greater than the number which would have been present in its own offspring .
13 Thomas felt that if this was one of the shapechangers then it would have transformed itself into a creature which would have been untouched by the explosion .
14 It is important to note that , since the system began in the late 1920s , there has never been a significant move to split up the schools for use by the separate denominations , something which would have been feasible in the larger towns .
15 In a statement to the Skupština in July 1987 ( Politika , 25 July ( 987 ) , the vice-president of the government mentioned that the total foreign exchange losses of banks and ‘ organizations of associated labour ’ ( presumably at that time ) amounted to 10,000 billion dinars , which would have been equivalent to about $15 billion at the current rate of exchange .
16 However , ideology apart , there is considerable evidence of a degree of senior bureaucratic bungling and the suppression of scientific reports which would have been embarrassing to the senior members of the bureaucracy if Komarov ( 1981 ) as the chief informant is to be believed , along with other writers such as Cherenvisinov ( 1964 ) , Goldman ( 1972 ) or Kirby ( 1972 ) .
17 Elsewhere the errors were more elementary — during a scene which looked suspiciously like product placement for a Canadian lager there was a continuity error which would have been embarrassing in a home-movie .
18 Because of that prominence , it proved difficult to develop that element of compromise and bargaining which would have been essential for integrative success .
19 He had wanted a short Report , with strong emphasis on grammar , spelling and punctuation , which would have been easy for parents to read .
20 ‘ Agreement was reached that , rather than play an anthem for one team and not the other , which would have been discourteous to the visiting team , no anthems at all would be played .
21 Their mutual nature also explains why , until 1983 , the Building Societies ' Association ( BSA ) was able to operate a system of ‘ recommended ( interest ) rates ’ , a form of cartel which would have been illegal for public companies .
22 The term includes : ( i ) any income chargeable to income tax by deduction at source or otherwise ( first limb ) and any income which would have been chargeable to income tax if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) ( s681(1) ( a ) ) ; [ ( ii ) where the amount of the income of any body corporate has been apportioned ( ie shortfalled ) under Schedule 16 to FA 1972 or could have been so apportioned if the body corporate were incorporated and resident in any part of the United Kingdom , so much of the income of the body corporate for that year or period as is equal to the amount which has been or could have been so apportioned to the trustees of or a beneficiary under the settlement ( s681(1) ( b ) ) [ abolished in relation to income of bodies corporate for accounting periods beginning after 31 March 1989 by FA 1989 , Sched 17 , Part V ] ] .
23 ( c ) If the death takes place after the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , but within seven years of the advance or determination , then in ascertaining for the purposes of CTT the value of the deceased 's estate immediately before his death there is to be included the value of any property which would have been chargeable with estate duty had Section 2 ( 1 ) ( b ) ( i ) of the Finance Act , 1894 , still been in force ( ie , after the application of any taper relief ) , unless the deceased was the surviving partner of a marriage which had been terminated by the death of the other spouse before 13/11/74 and the exempting provisions of Section 5 ( 2 ) of that Act would have applied had they still been in force ; and the persons accountable for the tax are those who would have been accountable under Section 44 of the Finance Act , 1950 , for any estate duty that would have been chargeable .
24 The completeness of the Woodville collapse casts doubt on any suggestion that Edward IV had deliberately built up their power as a bulwark for his son — something which would have been tantamount to a conscious factionalization of politics .
25 The completeness of the Woodville collapse casts doubt on any suggestion that Edward IV had deliberately built up their power as a bulwark for his son — something which would have been tantamount to a conscious factionalization of politics .
26 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
27 The modus vivendi was not signed , but it was promulgated in January 1948 in the minutes of the Combined Policy Committee so as to avoid reference to Congress or to the United Nations , which would have been necessary for a formal international agreement .
28 Here , for instance , is one which would have been excellent in calibre .
29 Assuming that the proportion of visits done in the sample between 2300 and 0700 can be applied to the whole of Berkshire , it becomes possible to estimate the number of night visits which would have been claimable by using the definition of a night visit which applied before April 1990 .
30 But little is known about the chemical ‘ soup ’ of the oceans , and therefore the type of life that first became selected and concentrated there and which would have been different from that occurring , say , in rivers or stagnant pools .
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