Example sentences of "which have to be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Using this method candidates may be assessed at the interview on the following seven job requirements which have to be met by the person appointed in the job :
2 The Standards will form part of the criteria which have to be met by firms applying for a legal aid franchise , but they will apply to all solicitors ' practices , whether seeking a franchise or not .
3 It is argued that the inclusion of overhead costs , which have to be absorbed into the product using some arbitrary basis , can distort product costs .
4 Figure 2.1 is a flow chart which covers some of the major decisions which have to be made as part of the formation of a catering enterprise .
5 The Eleventh Company Law Directive deals with the disclosures , including accounting documents , which have to be made by branches established in one member state of companies registered in another member state or outside the European Community .
6 The head does not always have the time to ponder the price of those personal and professional adjustments which have to be made in the regular course of management .
7 Deductions which have to be made in some cases are considered in Chapter 6 , " The Incidence of Benefits " .
8 Underlying all the decisions , all the choices which have to be made concerning an official curriculum , all the conflicting influences and all the necessary compromises , three familiar issues can be recognised :
9 We , we do have , you do have some small cheap jobs which have to be attended to very efficiently .
10 Er but in in terms of the proposals they actually make erm we find them somewhat contradictory in that erm it says earlier on in the in the committees report that erm accrued rights must be protected erm , it does n't say accrued rights which have to be lost through misappropriation of assets must be protected .
11 Removing the mender 's lead leaves gaps which have to be filled with new glass … aged and painted to closely match the original .
12 Old fuse boxes contain rewirable or enclosed cartridge fuses , which have to be replaced with wire or a new fuse of the correct current rating if they ‘ blow ’ as a result of an electrical fault on the circuit .
13 This is often referred to as prudential regulation and it consists of setting down standards in respect of such matters as the capital reserves which have to be maintained by banks .
14 For more normal requirements , and where a greater spread of illumination and better photographic quality is called for , it becomes necessary to use bigger lighting units which have to be supported on tripod stands .
15 It 's best to leave the cutting of the opening to a professional builder unless you are skilled , because you will need to know the number and size of needles ( the temporary horizontal supporting timbers that past through the wall , carried on adjustable vertical props ) , and you will have to provide a firm base on which to stand the upright props , which have to be supported on the ground , and not by a wooden floor .
16 In the first group of lead actions the position is as follows : ( 1 ) there are a very large number of major points of law which have to be decided on the manifold issues which arise under the various heads of restitutionary claim ; ( 2 ) there appear to be no or no significant disputes on the common issues of fact affecting the swaps cases generally , and indeed those matters covered by an agreed general statement of fact which has been placed before the court ; ( 3 ) there are discrete factual issues arising in individual cases , eg. , on change of position , since individual local authorities dealt with the money received under swap transactions in several different ways , which are variously relied upon as furnishing a change of position defence .
17 This is a metric on the space of states in the game studied above , with eight tiles which have to be moved to the goal position :
18 Other terminal word branches off this node are checked to see if they have remaining MRPA symbols which have to be distinguished from the current input by creating new non-terminals .
19 WWF and its mature colleagues in the conservation world have long realised that many of the priority issues with which we are all currently concerned ( rain forest destruction , coastal marine pollution , over-exploitation , loss of diversity ) are issues which have to be tackled in parallel with those of human population increase , extreme poverty , low food production levels , lack of marketable resources and , in a few cases , uncaring , self-centred governments .
20 Most drawing records systems use this natural hierarchical form , but problems arise which have to be handled by additional levels and cross checks .
21 For manipulations on 9th day or older embryos , which have to be done in a Petri dish it is necessary to introduce two bends over a microburner , similar to those described for solid needles ( Table 13 ) , although the exact angle of the bends will depend on how the micromanipulator is set up ( Figure 8 ) .
22 In living and working together , people develop mutual antagonisms which have to be counteracted by sublimated sexual energy if life and work are to continue .
23 On the arrival or departure of the King and Queen crowds of loyal subjects — mostly ladies — besiege the barriers which have to be erected on the platform , whilst the entrance to the station and the railings overlooking the Royal waiting room are thick with those who would catch a glimpse of Royalty …
24 Shooting is sporting too : grouse , partridge , pheasant , tiger or anything else , except foxes which have to be left for hunting men .
25 An average of forty per cent of the vote is spent on pay and pensions , which have to be held at comparable levels with their civilian equivalents if the principle of voluntary recruitment is to be sustained .
26 This needs courage and conviction , both of which have to be fought for and acquired , step by step , without looking back .
27 In this chapter , I shall argue that Simmel 's assertion that his analysis is one of modernity rather than solely of capitalism should be taken seriously , and that the contradictions in modernity which he analysed are not resolvable through Marxist conceptions of a future society , but are dilemmas which have to be investigated as integral aspects of modern life .
28 There are three aspects which have to be considered in all dance interpretations of music .
29 This small site is simply a three-sided plot which extends down to the road , its largest border merging into a vast hectarage of vines which have to be grafted in order to survive the threat of phylloxera .
30 At present BIRON consists of descriptive information about studies held , not the datasets themselves , which have to be ordered from the Archive in a separate process .
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