Example sentences of "which she [verb] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She wwent to the High Court in August and won the riught to sue for malicious falsehood , a rare procedure , which she says she has to use because she ca n't afford libel proceedings .
2 The feel of him , the taste of him , was like a drug , one which she believed she had kicked , but which , she was now discovering , continued to exert a ruthless grip .
3 It was as if he were a sheet of paper torn into many little pieces which she felt she had to cover entirely with her hand , but could not , however hard she tried , because the wind always blew a few of the pieces from between her fingers or from the edge of her palm .
4 That 's torn it , thought Lydia , swallowing the smile , extinguishing the sexuality which she knew she had caused to flicker about her like burning brandy round the Christmas pudding , and adopting instead a workmanlike , country-walking air .
5 There was no sign of her raft , the line of which she realised she had cut .
6 They found Bowler screaming she had stabbed her husband and produced a knife from the kitchen which she said she had used .
7 Sophie Swales was found to have in her possession 1s.1d and Jane Lawrence 3d. , which she said she had borrowed from Sophie Swales .
8 The main plot of Mansfield Park , on the other hand , is that of a young girl called Fanny Price and her development along the obstacles in which she finds she has to overcome in life which eventually takes her from a stage of immaturity to a stage of maturity .
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