Example sentences of "which he have [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 His solemn burial was at Constantinople alongside the cenotaphs of the twelve apostles which he had placed in the church of the apostles on the city 's highest hill .
2 For even if the setting did not have the same grandeur and the leading characters did not have the same epic cast as twenty years earlier , the role that de Gaulle himself had to play was at least as arduous as that which he had played in the Second World War .
3 Not the clankings and gratings of the Zoo which lay off in the distance to his right , now obscured by the trees over which he had flown in the night , but the call of a thousand birds whose busyness and life shook his fears off him for a time and replaced them with a sense of wonder .
4 In the sudden blaze the emperor was discovered blinking angrily at a tree-stump with which he had collided in the dark .
5 But two days later he was on duty , coloured bright orange from iodine on cuts and bruises got at the elections which he had attended in the Jlulat interest .
6 His emotional and intellectual development in Aden was such that it was to lead him inevitably back to France , back to emotional security with Rirette , and back to the political and social struggle from which he had escaped in a state of total disorientation a few months earlier .
7 ‘ By that time , also , there were a lot of blues albums being reissued , like Otis Rush 's ‘ Groaning the Blues ’ which he had recorded in the late '50s with Ike Turner producing , and it had some of the best blues tunes on it , and some of the best playing I have ever heard .
8 1 think he would have been amused rather than otherwise at finding his own dishes reappearing as specialities of the starry restaurants of the 1970s , and pleased that reforms in the matter of lighter meals and more logical sauce and vegetable cookery which he had preached in the 1930s have at last been put into practice .
9 But Finch produced earlier perambulations which he had discovered in the Exchequer .
10 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
11 He 'd had a sudden sick recollection of the headline in the Illustrated Police News , dated 1870 , which he had found in the library archives .
12 He would make an annual report to parliament giving the number of exemptions to the basic ‘ pain condition ’ which he had allowed in the year .
13 In his will of May 1300 , Pierre-Amanieu , captal de Buch , referred to the crusading vow which he had taken in the company of Edward I , in 1287 , ‘ to go to the aid of the Holy Land in Outremer' .
14 The Secretary of State was empowered by section 14(4) to dispense with the nationality requirement in the case of an individual on the ground of the length of time during which he had resided in the United Kingdom and had been involved in the fishing industry there .
15 Duhalde had tendered his resignation with effect from Dec. 11 , when he was to be sworn in as Governor of the province of Buenos Aires , a post which he had won in the Sept. 8 elections [ see p. 38434 ] .
16 The neglected , but instructive , sub-text to the passions aroused by the BBC director-general 's financial affairs is the ambitious and contentious agenda of reforms over which he has presided in the run-up to the renewal of the corporation 's charter .
17 ( This perhaps indicates that it was tactically inept in this case for the plaintiffs to seek to persuade the court that the whole package of information was confidential. ) 5 Whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired in the course of his career , but is merely selling to a third party information which he acquired in confidence in the course of his former employment Goulding J drew no such distinction .
18 For example , if the accused was reconnoitring a home preparatory to burglary , he may not be guilty of this offence if he picks up some ladders which he has found in the garden .
19 These feelings tend to be transitory but some patients remain psychologically disturbed for many years and , in a few psychological difficulties develop in the convalescent period which were not apparent during the acute episode.While these problems can sometimes be anticipated in hospital on the basis of the patient 's reaction to his illness , and any premorbid difficulties which he has encountered in the past , a better idea of his potential can be gained by following him during the convalescent period to observe how he copes with the various stresses and strains which he encounters during this time .
20 Finally , since the buyer is also anxious not to exclude any of his rights implied at common law or under the SGA in addition to the express rights which he has included in the contract , he makes it absolutely clear that all such implied rights will also apply to the contract .
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