Example sentences of "which he [verb] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was not a botanic garden in the modern sense of the word , but an area in which Bartram grew and propagated his comprehensive collection of current American ornamental plants for which he had arduously searched in unexplored country .
2 President Guillermo Endara ended on March 13 a 13-day hunger strike which he had reportedly undertaken in solidarity with the most needy of Panamanians at a time of severe economic crisis .
3 Ludens had been disturbed by the strange conversation which he had lately had with Marcus , by Marcus 's emotion , and by his own .
4 Meanwhile Gundovald , a supposed son of Chlothar , who had been excluded from the succession in 561 , took advantage of the situation to revive his claim to the crown , which he had already asserted with Byzantine support in 582 .
5 He had added two new candidates , the Acanthiza ewingi and the Strepera arguta , to the list of native Tasmanian species , making a total of 12 , four of which he had already named from specimens sent to him before he left England , and had now succeeded in seeing all of these alive in their native habitat .
6 In addition to the $400 million which he had already paid into an SEC disgorgement fund , he was due to provide a further $500 million to be contributed in tranches over five years .
7 The electricians appeared to accept the kind of binding agreements which he had vainly sought from the print unions .
8 This comment was made in the context of the dictum of Willes J. in Great Western Railway Co. v. Sutton , L.R. 4 H.L. 226 , 249 , which he had previously cited with approval and which presupposed that compulsion had induced the payment .
9 The various possible emphases in thinking about revelation are illuminatingly analysed by Dulles ( 1983 ) , using the method of ‘ models ’ which he had previously applied to ecclesiology .
10 The representative insider now fears that his job , which he had previously assumed to be safe , might now be in jeopardy .
11 He wants to use the battle field , which he had previously described as a place of ‘ ungracious clamours ’ , to purge his anger and hurt .
12 Suzuki admitted that he had received 10,000,000 yen from Abe which he had neither declared as a political donation nor as personal income , and Shiozaki acknowledged the receipt of 20,000,000 yen but denied that it had been a bribe .
13 Opponents of Meciar in Public Against Violence ( PAV , the senior partner in the ruling coalition ) , which he had effectively split in March by forming a separate minority faction [ see p. 38106 ] , had allied with the CDM in arranging a parliamentary investigation into Meciar 's recent conduct , which found him guilty of incompetence , lying , and abusing his access to former secret police files .
14 The Act which he had just steered through Parliament faced Emanuel with difficult choices : should it remain fully independent and operate outside the State system , or should it be incorporated within the local provision of schooling and become a voluntary-aided school ?
15 Morse held up the photograph of Theodore Kemp which he had just removed from the living room .
16 I was also immensely proud when Gavin Campbell , who fronted last week 's B B C D E C appeal , told me that words could not describe the tremendously high quality of Save The Children 's work in Malawi , Mozambique and Sudan , which he had recently visited in order to film for the D E C appeal .
17 Rima waddled with his burden towards the little hut , which he had purposely built without a door ; the cassowary would not be coming out again before her day of doom .
18 It was small and less noisy than the farm tractor which he had sometimes watched from the edge of the primrose wood at home .
19 Knowing both men as well as I did , I was one of the few who did not think there would be any major friction between them — both men were far too smart for that-but I did think Niki would find himself struggling for a primacy which he had long taken for granted .
20 Once he had said I showed him a concern which he had never met with before , even from his parents , and that he would love to visit my country one day .
21 There was an agony inside him which he had never felt before and he closed his eyes briefly .
22 The next he had been jerked fully awake and found himself at the centre of a circle of strange , hostile creatures , the like of which he had never seen in his life .
23 He was almost illiterate and could make only one speech , which he had painstakingly learnt by heart .
24 It was n't going to be that easy ; her flat — previously her haven from Luke and the bafflement and anger which he had always aroused in her — now seemed to vibrate with his presence .
25 Despite the cool way in which he had always spoken to her she had thought him different from other men .
26 Pinochet Hiriart stated in his testimony to the committee in mid-January that the money , apparently used to buy out his share in a small bankrupt arms manufacturing company , was in fact a payment for three loans which he had personally secured in Europe for the company .
27 For the first time , too , he writes with some bitterness about the customs of William I and Lanfranc which he had hitherto accepted without demur :
28 In 1348 the king restored the Earl of Lancaster 's title to the Honour and castle of Pontefract , which he had hitherto held on lease from the queen , ‘ having regard to the good service and great honour which our … cousin has done us in Gascony ’ .
29 And journey he did ; from The Bar Boy would be taken home and driven at night down all those same streets down and round which he had once walked by daylight .
30 It was a place he had visited three times — once to be seen ; the second time to appreciate the sermon which he had afterwards discussed outside the small West Door with the vicar who had been impressed by his distinguished visitor 's passionate piety .
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