Example sentences of "which he [vb mod] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When Peter made his profession of faith at Caesarea Philippi , Jesus declared that this was the rock foundation on which he would build his Church , which realisation provided the keys of the Kingdom ( Matt.
2 If a man had been repeatedly unsuccessful he would go to the river , dive to the bottom and bring up a lump of clay with which he would mark his forehead , taking care to be unobserved , otherwise the spell lost its efficacy .
3 In a rather confused , uncertain , period Reagan stood out as an upbeat , optimistic candidate who , despite his failings , had an easily understood programme and a clear sense of the direction in which he would take his country , if given the opportunity .
4 He foresaw a partnership in which he would pursue his sporting and eccentric intellectual interests and keep in close touch with female confidantes .
5 But the evidence on which he should base his advice to me is the same evidence on which it would have been appropriate for me to form my own judgment .
6 Unless some specific provision is made limiting the power of a tribunal to hear claims involving large sums or very complex issues , it will be for the employee to choose the forum in which he will pursue his claim .
7 ‘ His plea of guilty is the only means by which he can express his contrition today and acknowledging it must be a lengthy prison sentence which he now faces . ’
8 Francis acknowledged Leon Kennedy as his son , besides which he can leave his property to whom he likes .
9 As for the conservation aim , there will initially be a greater , not a lesser , consumption of paper , if members are to be persuaded to be content with the summary , it will be necessary to undertake what the Regulations call a ‘ relevant consultation ’ which involves sending to each member both the full accounts for the financial year and a summary financial statement plus a postage-paid card on which he can make his choice for the future .
10 He has the advantage of having devised a series of self-contained but effectively linked novels , full of properly casual back-references , in which he can show his hero changing with circumstances from the exuberance of a young lieutenant , to whom personal courage , seamanlike skills and informed opportunism have brought reputation and wealth , to a middle-aged man still exuberant but oppressed with financial cares and by the continual malice of personal enemies .
11 In these uncertain and troubled circumstances he was called back to the one thing outside his faith in which he could place his trust .
12 Under the presiding genius of Roger , bishop of Salisbury , Henry 's most brilliant administrator — said to have been first chosen as chaplain by Henry ( whose tastes were different from the Confessor 's ) for the speed with which he could finish his mass — the English financial departments were achieving something of the efficiency and maturity of their Sicilian counterparts .
13 Section 11(4) requires regard to be had to the financial resources of a party claiming the protection of an exemption clause which limits liability by reference to a specified sum of money , and also to the extent to which he could cover his liability by insurance .
14 At one level , he finally found a spiritual home , a sanctuary from which he could vent his spleen on the oppressive bourgeois institutions which had duped him .
15 The Model Railways and Locomotives magazine was founded by him in 1908 and became a platform from which he could share his knowledge and expertise with others .
16 Doyle said : ‘ In the past , Tour winners like Greg LeMond have ridden a couple of races for which he could name his price .
17 The restaurant in which he used to take his lunch , Zur Opfelchammer , is still there .
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