Example sentences of "which he [vb past] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When he took over control , machine tools were steam-driven by shafts and belting , which he replaced quickly by electric power from gas-engine-driven generators .
2 Recently he penned probably the most abrasively intelligent letter ever to appear in Melody Maker , in which he laid out with admirable succinctness the differences between his pop aesthetic ( making sense of the world , pop as motivator ) and what he identified as the MM aesthetic of pop as dissipation .
3 Lawrie had 74 and McAllister a 75 in which he went out in 43 and returned in 32 .
4 And that this wealth was not locked in land or designated for heirs : it was fine fresh wealth coming into the great port of Liverpool by the month , by the week even , in the form of Ceylon tea , Indian jute , Irish coal — Mr Crump had an encyclopaedia of imports which he rattled off in diffident haste .
5 In the first chapter of his autobiography , we have an interesting record of this struggle , which he wrote down in English words but in Greek characters , in order that his thoughts erm should n't be accessible to his family .
6 The large prints which he brought out by royal command to commemorate the coronation and opening of the House of Commons in 1838 , and the prints he produced , subsequent to an interview with Albert , to commemorate the Great Exhibition , were hopelessly delayed and proved very expensive failures .
7 Colworth was an Elizabethan house in origin , altered in the 1760s and again about 1810 : it became the principal residence of Magniac , who again extended the house , which he acquired outright in 1854 .
8 His father wore a cloak of hyrax skins which he received along with other tools of the trade — pebbles , containers and more important , the ability to use numbers to foretell the future .
9 A former bus driver , illness forced him to give up the DIAL office at Kingsley which he ran successfully for two years .
10 From Grove School , Eastbourne , and Hanwell College he went to Bonn , which he left prematurely after high-spirited behaviour .
11 He was a small man , distinctly foreign in appearance , with a rigidly waxed moustache and an egg-shaped head which he carried rather to one side .
12 Between the bouts of keen pain a curious life took possession of his brain , a life in which kings and queens floated on the water and white-clad saracens rode up and down before a cage in which was a crowned lion , and then , suddenly , the cage was empty and the saracens were knights in armour and the water on which they rode was a mountain like a tree in which birds nested and which burst into flames and was the phoenix ; and somewhere was the Holy Grail for which he reached out in vain , and a jewelled sword , and a unicorn that spoke but said nothing .
13 Now living in Wimbledon , in a spacious house complete with swimming pool , Crawford went into four months ' training for his gruelling role , starting each day at 6.30am with a four-mile run across the common , which he built up to twelve miles .
14 Despite natural hardships and TB ( which he resisted remarkably for twenty years ) , he loved life passionately .
15 In the next four years Cody built some half-dozen aeroplanes , which he flew competitively with considerable success , winning four British empire Michelin trophies and other prizes .
16 Joseph 's reforms led to peasant risings , which he put down with extreme brutality , and to conspiracies among the nobility .
17 A more general indication of his interests is given by the catalogue of his library , which he drew up in 1632 , when he had just moved house to Long Acre , Covent Garden .
18 At the same time Fastolf s attitude to the practicalities of war reflect a hardheadedness which was essentially of this world : the plan which he drew up in 1435 favouring a ‘ tough ’ approach to the war made little concession to romantic ideas of chivalry which would influence a knight 's conduct in war .
19 He also says that 386BSD is the basis of BSDI 's BSD/386 which he worked on in 1991 at CSRG initially under the financial sponsorship of UUNet Technologies .
20 Early works , like the tomb of Ilaria or the Trenta altar , display an uncanny ability to keep Gothic and Renaissance elements in balance , but Jacopo della Quercia 's gifts found a perfect statement in relief sculpture , from the Fonte Gaia of his middle years to the main portal of San Petronio , on which he worked intermittently from 1425 until his death in 1438 .
21 Jock set up an old aircraft wing with a tin of petrol inside to simulate a fuel tank , which he propped up on some oil drums .
22 Lagerfeld 's progression from round-faced sixteen-year-old finalist in the Woolmark International Fashion Competition , which he won together with another teenager , Saint Laurent , to his present pre-eminence , has been inexorable .
23 His early ventures into freelance design had been reasonably successful ; with Leonie 's encouragement he worked long hours as a restaurant porter to earn enough money to buy a couple of ancient industrial machines which he set up at one end of the living room of his mother 's house .
24 Pliny 's standing as author of the Historia Naturalis was such that not a few of the beliefs which he set down without personal commitment have continued to influence popular superstitions for nearly two millennia .
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