Example sentences of "which be [adv] [vb pp] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When this does happen so much depends on the attitudes of the court for the safeguarding of freedoms which are nowhere written down as such .
2 The good primary school , in encouraging children to use documents , to dramatise in the classroom , to get the children into the experience of people living in another age , in many ways come close to what the university historian is doing than some of the secondary erm school histories , which are still weighed down with this content .
3 Again , standards of service may vary ; beyond the minimum standards which are usually laid down by law there is , in practice , often a wide area of discretion .
4 He was aware that famous players of those roles had developed their own ways of interpretation and tricks , which were then handed down from generation to generation .
5 Which is actually broken down into several headings erm now people break these bills down into many different er forms er , for example , in major projects , I , I know that for any bill be able to tell me er how many were involved in pouring er , concrete er , on any base .
6 Some of these rules are concerned with the different components which go to make up a traditional story — the kind of story which is orally handed down from generation to generation .
7 LEFT The first Opera House in the Haymarket , London , which was later burnt down in 1789 .
8 Moreover , not very many of their sculptural portraits have survived ( only a few over a hundred for the three centuries after Alexander ) , partly because they were often made of bronze which was readily melted down for re-use .
9 Astor retained the Observer , which was subsequently passed down to his son Waldorf .
10 This will be the reason for the oddity of ( 54 ) where one such basic property is related to its noun through assignment , by contrast with the normality of ( 55 ) where it is given as one of the initial identifying properties of the subject entity ( there is obviously no difference of truth-value between the two ) : ( 54 ) ? a ladle which was heavy came down on his skull ( 55 ) a heavy ladle came down on his skull Thus , other things being equal we expect properties of such basic sorts to be used predominantly for identification by ordinary qualification .
11 She was being towed to the breakers when she began to take in water ( probably through the conning tower hatch which was only lashed down for the tow ) and sank .
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