Example sentences of "which be [verb] just [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Peel potatoes thinly to retain those nutrients which are stored just under the skin .
2 Worth £3 each , the ProSport supports , which are worn just below the elbow , have been specially designed by Seton Healthcare specifically for tennis elbow sufferers .
3 One way around that problem has been the use of outdoor announcement boards , which are positioned just outside the bar and are very clearly Guinness branded .
4 The placement of the bolts by the Crowden Outdoor Centre , which is based just below the quarry , follows private negotiations between the landowner , North West Water , and Crowden Outdoor Centre , which is run by Peter Noble .
5 In the same conversational turn , he changes the topic to a lengthy , rhapsodic utterance on the flexing motion of the aircraft 's wings : Anderson 's sudden topic-change and subsequent change of register in the very lyrical statement about McKendrick 's cigarette smoke , is partly explained by the fear of flying which he admits to here , and which is indicated just before the topic-change in Stoppard 's stage directions — " …
6 The Nozovent , which is worn just inside the nostrils at night , reduces snoring by making breathing easier .
7 This jet can be controlled in the same way by use of the flow adjuster which is located just beneath the colour changing unit .
8 The addenda comprise — where appropriate — appendices , diagrams and tables , descriptions of equipment and method , acknowledgements and sometimes a technical abstract and a preface ( which is added just after the title page ) .
9 These principles are fully consistent with paragraph 1374 of Archbold , Criminal Pleading , Evidence and Practice , 36th ed. ( 1966 ) and the cases there cited and paragraph 4–179 of the 41st ed. ( 1982 ) , which was written just before the publication in Practice Note ( Criminal Evidence : Unused Material ) [ 1982 ] 1 All E.R.
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