Example sentences of "which have been made [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Concentration upon specific specialisms during initial training dovetails neatly into a recommendation ( which has been made by successive Secretaries of State and supported by members of HM Inspectorate ) that each primary school should be staffed by teachers whose individual academic strengths represent principal subject areas ( eg language , mathematics , creative arts , environmental studies , science and technology ) .
2 But they were also so far removed from conditions elsewhere in Italy that Banfield 's attention centred on this intra-national gap , and noting the many efforts which had been made by successive Italian governments to deal with ‘ the Southern Question ’ , he asked why these peripheral ‘ backward societies ’ were , as he put it , ‘ ultra-stable ’ , apparently trapped in dependency and poverty .
3 At an extraordinary meeting of the Trades Union Congress at the Albert Hall on 9 December 1913 he was prompted to move a motion condemning " the unfair attacks which had been made upon British trade union officials " and affirming " their ability to negotiate an honourable settlement if assured of the effective support of all who are concerned in the Dublin dispute " .
4 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
5 But one aspect which is new springs from the advances which have been made in molecular biology .
6 The criticisms of Totem and Taboo which have been made by social anthropologists have often served to clarify issues left obscure in the original work .
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