Example sentences of "which in [det] [noun] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is here that the notion of contract plays its vital role — not the doctrines of contract law , which in many respects are as arid and unsupportive of commercial activity as a dedicated anti-capitalist could imagine — rather , contract as practice , as putting into words what the parties can and must do , and if need be adjusting , or excluding , particular rules of law .
2 Nevertheless every choreographer creating this kind of romantic ballet today has to spend much time creating the proper gestures to replace the words , which in such ballets are never spoken but must be understood .
3 The narrow zone marking the relative movement between two plates , which in most cases is fairly clearly demarcated by seismic activity , is termed a plate boundary , with the peripheral region adjacent to this boundary being referred to as a plate margin .
4 We did quite well with routine seizures in the anchorages of the Bristol Channel and even better in the more sheltered confines of the South Wales ports , which in those days were rather more busy than they are today .
5 We covered a lot of sea miles in the Bristol Channel that year , taking in most of the ports , including the long haul up the Avon to Bristol Docks which in those days were still open to commercial traffic .
6 These concerns in turn took their toll of equities , which in any case are increasingly being supported by institutional cashflow rather than expectations of company profits .
7 Yet no country at present satisfies its preconditions for EMU — conditions which in any case are increasingly viewed as inappropriate .
8 Real attention to the quite sophisticated concepts with which religion is concerned has tended to be dismissed on the grounds that , apart from a select minority , pupils are incapable of any sustained thought , uninterested in such hypothetical and academically conceived ideas which in any case are mostly of historical interest and irrelevant to the modern world .
9 Johnson rejected the proposal for the elections , which in any case were clearly impossible to hold within the time proposed .
10 His voice had grown hushed and childish with wonder and his eyes filled , looking back to record this playful divination which might yet predict a future far removed from the cloister , which in any case was already losing its visionary charm for him .
11 This was not the most logical of arguments , it would seem , if only because the Hudson recommendations were concerned with craft courses , while TEC and BEC , the latter of which in any case was only likely to be peripherally involved , were supposed to be operating at technician level .
12 But most of that property has come onto the market now , which in any event is steeply down in value from the heady days of the late 1980s .
13 It would take a lot of variation to show serious differences in performance , in fact one could ‘ round down ’ the basic diameter to one metre ( 39in ) and , with a given 230g or 8oz load , the loading will only vary to 294g/sq m or 0.95oz/sq ft which in any circumstances is very light loading indeed .
14 in respect of which the trial judge was bound by a decision of the Court of Appeal or House of Lords and which in either case was fully considered by the trial judge or in the previous decisions by which the trial judge was bound ; and
15 It is perhaps no accident that these two branching hierarchies , which are the only types of any general lexical significance , have relations of dominance which are not merely differentiable , but which in some sense are inherently differentiated .
16 This can be contrasted with the antiquity of rocks exposed over large areas of the continents which in some cases are more than 3000 Ma old .
17 Children go to the former for six hours a day to follow an educational programme , which in some aspects is quite unrelated to their culture ; they live in the latter , their world shaped by their parents .
18 My own conclusions , which in this case are probably completely worthless , are that this ticking represents a period of grace — I mean that it can not explode — as long as the ticking lasts and that it 's not designed to explode when the ticking stops but is then activated and ready to explode when triggered by passing engines .
19 I add my voice to the condemnation of the activity of the Provisional IRA which has pertained in Northern Ireland for more than 20 years and which in this case was clearly sectarian as it killed seven Protestant workers .
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