Example sentences of "will be [vb pp] for [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A charge of £5.00 will be made for each unfilled place in excess of 15% of the final numbers for which accommodation and catering services have been confirmed .
2 There are no charges for maintaining any of these accounts , but charges will be made for any extra services offered , such as telegraphic transfers , drafts and money orders .
3 the court may in accordance with law grant a dissolution of the marriage provided that the court is satisfied that adequate and proper provision having regard to the circumstances will be made for any dependant spouse and for any child of or any child who is dependent on either spouse .
4 If the x , y coordinates of each point are stored in four-byte units then eight bytes will be saved for each excess point removed .
5 From the moment you join the NatWest Hospital Income Plan , you will be covered for any new medical conditions that occur .
6 Your blood pressure will be measured , and you will be checked for any swelling in fingers or toes , and for varicose veins in the legs .
7 A Change Control Form will be completed for each approved change to identify who is responsible for the change and to act as a checklist to ensure that the change is correctly implemented .
8 A Change Request Form will be completed for each proposed change .
9 The 1930s were hard times , so I think they will be forgiven for this slight oversight .
10 It should be recognised that it is in the interests of all firms involved in the provision of financial services that regulation is adequate and seen to be adequate by investors , or custom will be lost for all concerned .
11 These procedures will be used for all proposed changes to ensure that deviations from the agreed development path are controlled and monitored .
12 This way of seeing the development of databases can be misleading because it should not be implied that either each new generation will replace the previous generation ( all these systems will be used for some foreseeable time in the future ) or that each new generation is necessarily better than the previous one ( the appropriateness or otherwise of an approach will depend on the organisation and its applications ) .
13 The question takes for granted that there is no ‘ divine ’ source from which a ready-made human conscience will be provided for each new-born child .
14 Will he assure the House that the necessary funds to enable the TECs to undertake the additional responsibilities that he announced will be provided for those excellent bodies ?
15 If the Claimant is an inpatient in a hospital ABROAD due to accidental bodily injury or illness sustained during the period of insurance and the hospital is licenced for surgery then benefit will be paid for each complete day of hospitalisation up to the limit of the policy .
16 The childminder will be investigated for any previous criminal convictions and have her home inspected for cleanliness , adequate space and ‘ reasonable safety ’ .
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