Example sentences of "will need [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll need to hire a top animatronics team . ’
2 ‘ You 'll need to open the new jar of coffee , ’ Fen told her .
3 In order to distinguish one small brown fluttering thing from another , you 'll need to buy a decent field guide .
4 We could watch it after we 've eaten , but if you 'd like to see it we 'll need to make an early start . ’
5 We 'll need to sweep the whole area .
6 This will require considerable competence on behalf of the teacher who will need to set the general framework .
7 Of course , your neighbours wo n't see the Woodworker Fellowship logo so you will need to acquire an additional cloth badge to show off your membership .
8 The venture capitalist will need to spend a considerable amount of time with the management team before an offer is made to the vendor .
9 In the first weeks , sometimes months , of language study , you will need to use a large part of your time to practise pronunciation .
10 We believe that everyone will need to use the private car more selectively — possibly cycling or walking for short journeys or using public transport where this is possible . ’
11 You will need to engage a Commercial lawyer to protect your interests in the drafting of a contract .
12 You will need to engage a Commercial lawyer to protect your interests in the drafting of a contract .
13 You will need to replace the standard row counter with the special row counter ( RC15K ) which has a socket ( port ) for the electronic KnitRadar .
14 Receiving agent The offeror will need to appoint a receiving agent who will be responsible for counting and certifying acceptances of the offer .
15 The company will need to convene an extraordinary general meeting to pass the ordinary or special resolution ( as appropriate ) to sanction the purchases .
16 Tomorrow , if electronic books are to evolve , we will need to see a mature market emerging providing stable , ongoing demand for new products at prices that make sense for everyone involved in the new industry .
17 It means that we will need to issue a full form investment business engagement letter ( see 0403.1 above ) and the client will be afforded the protection under the FSA for individual investors .
18 Nevertheless , many sales forecasters will need to predict the general movement of the relevant cycle during the forthcoming year .
19 Unless you opt for the insurance company 's managed fund , the safer option , you will need to employ a professional adviser .
20 You will need to give the electoral registration officer a detailed reason and explain where you will be on polling day , and why .
21 You will need to integrate the new puppy into socializing with people outside your immediate family .
22 If fitting your blind inside a window recess you will need to measure the full recess width and depth .
23 Each business will need to have a solid safety net of low risk performance areas , whose task will be to reduce the cost base to the absolute minimum , supporting a much smaller proportion of high risk , hopefully high return ventures .
24 … the old distinctions between teaching.staff and librarians will become hopelessly blurred … both tutors and advisers will need to have a thorough understanding of subject fields and the various generic .
25 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
26 Local firms will need to have a good grasp of the challenges or threats that 1992 will bring , to have a good feel for which sectors and industries locally will be most affected when the barriers come down .
27 This usually all works well with a large one-off competition , but if you have organised a series of regional newspaper competitions , for example , you will need to have a foolproof system to ensure that winners receive their prizes shortly after winning and you do not have irate editors ringing up saying that their readers are growing angry at the lack of delivery .
28 The practitioner will need to have an overall picture before diagnosis ; he/she may ask about your past illnesses , family tendencies or general energy levels .
29 You will need to have an impressive knowledge of research techniques linked with outstanding management skills to manage a young , dynamic team , and develop their work within the organisation 's changing structure .
30 ( ii ) The applicant will need to have the following experience : ( a ) Personally run at least 36 medical negligence cases over the previous 3 years ; and ( b ) had at least three cases set down and ready for trial in the three years prior to panel application .
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