Example sentences of "which [was/were] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , some coins of the Emperor Septimius Severus which were minted at several cities in southern Greece are found , almost exclusively , in the Levant .
2 It was Sayeeda who gave me an insatiable desire to open the doors of Oman , doors which were locked to most foreigners and needed a special key .
3 When Croat historians have subsequently spoken of the " Bleiburg Tragedy " this is what they really mean : and the massacres which were to continue in many parts of northern Yugoslavia during the weeks and months which followed were among the consequences of that victory and that " tragedy " .
4 Moscovitch ( 1972 ; 1973 ) presented subjects with a set of unrelated letters which were heard through both ears .
5 After about a week of this behaviour , and some digging , the pair spawned on the vertical side of this rock , laying several hundred thread-stalked brown eggs , which were guarded by both parents .
6 Mr Justice Sheil said it was sad and regrettable that both the poppy and shamrock , which were worn by both traditions with pride throughout the world and by many in Northern Ireland , were capable of being used in the prison as a means of provocation to other prisoners .
7 On the other hand , if you went to the other end of the scale and in that same season you looked at all horses that were offered at precisely two to one on , then you 'll find that there were twenty two horses which were offered at those odds and fifteen of them won .
8 Most of his work for this period was published in Poems In Two Volumes ( 1807 ) ; many important poems , such as Resolution and Independence and the Immortality Ode , which were included in these volumes , have received a good deal of critical attention elsewhere .
9 The tweedy lady , very county , who suffered from some extreme fungoid disease of her feet , which were wrapped in many layers of polythene and which in a public cinema would have guaranteed her a whole row to herself , but at the NFT caused whoever was unfortunate to have the adjoining numbered seat to retain vivid Aromavision memories of particular films .
10 Some important headmen in Kandyan districts owned hundreds of animals which were spread over several villages .
11 The lathes and the special apparatus are also reviewed , i.e. common lathes , screw mandrel , rose engine lathe , elliptic-eccentric chucks , dome chucks , geometric chuck and various cutting frames which were supplied with these lathes .
12 Both appeared in the technical educational psychology press , which was read by some teachers ; both were cited in the journals which were read by most teachers — the TES and the journal of the Association of Education Committees , Education .
13 Cutbacks were being made in the provision of security which were leading to more cars being stolen and also placing an extra burden on the families who were visiting sick or loved ones .
14 These questions appeared in pairs of parallel tests , both of which were taken by some pupils with an interval of about two months between testings .
15 " The Professional Gentleman " embodied an ideal of unemotional , rational , " asexual " maleness which was insulated against any tendencies towards emotional degeneration .
16 Rice was the staple crop which was grown in most villages where its cultivation was ecologically possible .
17 As a result , when the two women went for that walk — which was followed by several others — the topic Sarah was so anxious to discuss just never came up .
18 I noticed in recent years these practices becoming more lax , which was supported in some ways by both students and staff , who felt an increased sense of freedom .
19 This concert is a follow-up to last year 's very successful event ( run by the Dublin AIDS Alliance ) which was supported by many celebrities , including U2 .
20 The company sought judicial review of the proceedings , contending that the assessment had been effectively determined by the agreement under s 54 , which was binding on both parties .
21 The special session had been called to discuss a far-reaching LDP-sponsored electoral reform package , the success of which was seen by many commentators to be crucial to Kaifu 's chances of retaining the party leadership ( and , therefore , the premiership ) when his current term expired in October 1991 .
22 Apart from the lamps that gave a yellow glow to the leaves , the only light came from the big windows of the Communist club which was packed on both floors , its discotheque going full swing .
23 Robert had been called up in the First Militia , as it was named , the beginning of National Service which was to continue until some years after the war ended .
24 As to a levy , I am surprised that the hon. Member for Newham , North-East , with his experience as Chairman of the Select Committee on Employment , is not aware of the experience of employers throughout the country who sought to operate the levy that we used to have , which was recognised on all sides as a failure .
25 This was the 41st competition between the two sides for the Directors Trophy which was presented to both clubs for annual competition in April 1953 , although in 1958 no play was possible because of a snowstorm .
26 This must instantly have lowered the prestige of the archonship , and therefore of the Areopagus , which was recruited from former archons .
27 Both appeared in the technical educational psychology press , which was read by some teachers ; both were cited in the journals which were read by most teachers — the TES and the journal of the Association of Education Committees , Education .
28 Delegates including Western human rights activists and diplomats attended a human rights conference in Tehran on Sept. 9-12 , which was described by some commentators as an indication of the Iranian government 's desire to end its international isolation .
29 Worst of all there was very little interlocking between separate communes , a circumstance which was reflected in these peasants ' lack of political cohesiveness in the Dumas .
30 Zinoviev , presiding over the Congress , blurred these differences and declared that just as the Russian Communist party was assisting the Chinese communists , so the French and Dutch parties should take care of Indonesia and Indo-China ; a curiously neo-colonialist policy which was to persist for several years .
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