Example sentences of "which [vb base] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Identifying areas which cry out for improvement or even simply areas of muddle and misunderstanding , is by no means negative — rather a spur to action .
2 It grows into a bushy plant , with soft leaves which smell strongly of lemon when bruised , delightful if planted at the side of a path .
3 Trees and the treasury : Valuing Forests for Society argues that a history of subsidised conifer plantations has left timber growers with a surplus of mature trees which cost more to fell and process than they earn as timber .
4 They 're likely to be trees or shrubs which show up in winter but become a backdrop for the rich summer display .
5 Look out for the waymark on your right as you go up the lane following the edge of the Dales which consist mainly of alder and oak woodland .
6 The Act has designated 12 new wilderness areas in northern Finnish Lapland , which consist mainly of tundra and cover 1.5 million hectares .
7 There is a very wide variety of finishes available , such as gilded or silvered , and with or without a highlighting gold line , as well as the enormous range of woods themselves , which vary tremendously in colour and atmosphere , and can be inlaid with veneers or kept quite plain .
8 Out of this maelstrom we can select only a few thinkers and those ideas which stand out in retrospect as marking out the major developments and as setting the scene for more recent times .
9 Some of the huge flocks of Scandinavian thrushes ( fieldfare , redwing , and song-thrush mainly ) which pass through in spring and autumn , will enter the traps but the majority will stay out on the hillsides .
10 Foreigners , which pay less for labour and in many cases make components of equal quality , are winning business away from German firms .
11 The large number of contracts which end up in litigation or arbitration suggests that many surveyors do not strictly follow contract procedures .
12 Once level with deserted stone croft down on left , take small gate on left ( the second passed ) down to croft ( d ) , by which turn right on track and follow for 2 miles ( e ) .
13 Regulatory volume decrease ( RVD ) and regulatory volume increase ( RVI ) are typically achieved by activation of plasma membrane ion transport systems , which result ultimately in loss or gain of cell electrolytes and water respectively .
14 Rot is caused by fungi which live parasitically on cellulose since fungi have no chlorophyll and can not photosynthesize sugars for themselves .
15 extra contactual claims which arise out of hardship and which do not rely on the terms of a contact
16 It was one of those clear mild days which come occasionally in mid-winter and lift the spirits with their hint of coming springtime .
17 There are two mixed choirs in the Primary School ( P4/5 and P6/7 ) which perform both within School and at the Usher Hall .
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