Example sentences of "which [vb past] been [adj] in [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 3 , the second anniversary of German unification , several thousand people took part in a protest against xenophobia at the former Sachsenhausen concentration camp , which had been fire-bombed in September [ see pp. 39111-12 ] .
2 The first major film to deal with Vietnam was John Wayne 's The Green Berets ( 1968 ) about the US Army Special Forces units , which had been present in Vietnam in an advisory capacity since 1957 .
3 Mswati did not specify who would decide on the incorporation of the Vusela-2 recommendations into a new constitution , neither did he give a new date for elections , which had been due in November , although he said on Oct. 26 that they would be held in the first half of 1993 .
4 The uprising continued along the same lines as the bread riots which had been rife in Russia at that time and so the Tsarina was worried but thinks everything will be alright and informed the Tsar , who was away inspecting troops , to this effect .
5 The South African Communist Party ( SACP — which had been unbanned in February ) was formally relaunched as a legal organization at a rally on July 29 [ see below ] , amid controversy over allegations that it had conspired with the ANC 's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe to use violence to overthrow the government if the current negotiations were to break down .
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