Example sentences of "which [vb past] [vb pp] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The state had not elected a Republican governor since the Reconstruction period which had followed the Civil War .
2 Manville thrust the telex aside and turned his full attention to the more detailed report which had followed the preparatory message just four days later .
3 Thus , his willingness to enter budgetary talks without preconditions — a point made by Bush to congressional leaders on May 6 — was welcomed by many Democrats as evidence of a new realism on the part of the administration when compared with the use of accounting manoeuvres and optimistic forecasts which had characterized the 1991 budget proposal .
4 The prime reason for bringing in a new constitution in 1937 was the return to dominance of the republican grouping , the side which had lost the civil war , and which had retained the intention of establishing a republic .
5 In contrast , it was the activity of the applicants which had deprived the British fishing industry of its legitimate expectation under the quota system .
6 Lanfranc himself was only partly converted , and , even in his last days , he was still giving quantities of the bodies of his predecessors , which had filled the old church before the fire of 1067 , to his new foundation of canons outside the walls of the city .
7 The terrible fire , which had destroyed the historical centre of Lisbon in the summer of 1988 was at that time still fresh in the memory .
8 ‘ The individual producer , or the individual as the elementary subject of production , which eighteenth century mythology imagined to be at the origin of society 's economic development … only appeared , even as an ‘ appearance ’ in developed capitalist society , that is , in the society which had developed the social character of production to the highest degree . ’
9 Conservatives shared the Kirkpatrick view of foreign affairs ; it was the Soviet Union 's will to conquest which had shaped the entire world , plucking into being the entire defensive structure behind which we lived .
10 She would have to pass through the parlour to reach the kitchen , an arrangement which had shocked the pampered girl she had been , but it was obviously designed to conserve space in the small house .
11 The four opposition parties which had formed the Democratic Bloc in May [ see p. 38982 ] voiced opposition to the constitutional proposals .
12 Blisters which had formed the first time now burst , weeping clear fluid onto the burner which hissed like an angry snake .
13 Benazir Bhutto , leader of the Pakistan People 's Party ( PPP ) which had gained the largest number of seats in elections to the National Assembly held on Nov. 16 , 1988 ( see pp. 36347-48 ) , was sworn in as Prime Minister on Dec. 2 , and a new federal Cabinet was appointed on Dec. 4 .
14 Other fears expressed at the debate included the belief that republics with more recent experience of private farming , for example the three Baltic republics ( which had joined the Soviet Union only in 1940 ) , would develop at different rates to other parts of the country which had experienced only collectivized agriculture .
15 As for the Treaty of Paris , which had ended the Crimean War , this was less liked by the French than by their ally .
16 Unlike the protests of 1987 which had ended the Fifth Republic , the 1991 protests , although frequently large and violent , lacked support from the country 's middle class .
17 The features which had distinguished the Roman interlude — the roads , towns , and villas — were abandoned or their functions were changed ; industrial activities collapsed .
18 The French , probably over-confident of victory , allowed themselves to be drawn into a cavalry advance , carried out under a hail of arrows , across recently ploughed ground made softer yet by the rain which had fallen the previous night .
19 ENGLAND COLTS shook off the lethargy which had enabled the Welsh Youth to win their last two encounters at Wrexham and Fylde to thoroughly outplay their hosts at Brecon on Saturday .
20 Meanwhile many intelligent deaf people who might have gone into education , but now finding these opportunities non-existent because of the Education Act of 1893 which had implemented the Royal Commission for the Education of the Blind and the Deaf and Dumb 's recommendations , were now turning to missioner positions in deaf societies and institutes for a living .
21 It was essential for the United States to explain to those countries which had supported the allied war effort against Japan how the dangers posed by a Japanese economic revival could be surmounted .
22 Such rulers could defend the social order by force assuredly ; but by replacing the moral authority of the totem-father with the force of arms and the ingenuities of police control they ran the risk of invalidating the purely psychological and religious prohibitions which had supported the old order and had so successfully promoted human social advancement .
23 On Dec. 22 a panel of the Supreme Court had overturned one challenge by a group of Bhopal victims by upholding legislation passed in 1985 which had given the central government the sole right to negotiate with UCC .
24 In the former district prosperity lasted throughout the war years , which had seen the increasing use of the flying shuttle ( spring loom ) .
25 On Dec. 3 Kuwait protested to the UN Security Council over Iraq 's refusal to participate in the work of the UN Border Demarkation Committee 's reconnaissance team , which had visited the demilitarized zone between Kuwait and Iraq at the end of November .
26 In their view the recently created Riverside DHA which had become the managing agency , was interested only in providing hospital services and had paid scant , if any , attention to the need for a range of after-care facilities across the statutory and non-statutory sectors .
27 But it was the Labour Party which had become the official Opposition in 1918 .
28 Virgin had also bought a London cinema , the Scala , specialising in ‘ art house ’ films ; and a video-editing suite , called Off Line — both of which had become the particular interest of Nik Powell .
29 The starting point for this discussion — of the changing division of labour by sectors and by strata , and of the social pattern of recruitment of individuals to the positions within these divisions — was the condition of party politics as the 1960s ended , and in particular the position of the Labour Party , which had forfeited the active support on important sections of its ‘ traditional ’ partisans yet had not apparently suffered a collapse of electoral support ( as indicated by opinion polls before the 1970 election ) .
30 The Cuban revolution had provided the USSR with numerous technical facilities , especially electronic listening posts which could to some degree counteract similar American installations which had encircled the Soviet Union since 1945 .
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