Example sentences of "which [vb past] [adv] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Senate set up a working party under Professor Furmston , Council asked consultants Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte to look at the matter , convocation set up an ad hoc working group to respond to the first two reports , and the Vice-Chancellor produced a report for Council which drew together the common threads in all three .
2 The central thesis is that from about 1850 onwards various experiments were made in paper production which changed drastically the estimated life of books .
3 The most popular form of reading among the literate poor was , as Dr Vincent has pointed out , one which told much the same tales as did the oral tradition .
4 El Rocco was Sydney 's top jazz club in the 1950s , an atmospheric dive which dispensed both the worst coffee and the most daring music in town .
5 Now the assumption that erm Napoleon made about the future of Europe was Europe with France as the leader and this is an assumption which challenged directly the political integrity of all the other European states .
6 As a result , the experimental , deductive approach of Pilkingtons can be contrasted to the programmatic , inductive rationales which characterized both the Anglo-Japanese strategy of RX and the Anglo-American initiative of Ford .
7 In Chase , for example , it was held that breasts were not included within the meaning of the term sexual , which covered only the primary sex organs .
8 Her dislike of him was such that during the filming of A Letter to Four Wives , in which she picks up a photograph of a man and reacts with distaste , director Joe Mankiewicz used a photo of Preminger which prompted exactly the right expression from Darnell .
9 Among the mandarins , at Permanent Secretary level , Sir John Maud ( who succeeded Fergusson in 1952 ) was to outlast Citrine , and his smoothing magisterial presence was an important influence in questions such as board appointments ( reserved for the Minister 's private office ) and fuel industry coordination ( which brought together the various Ministry divisions ‘ sponsoring ’ each energy industry ) .
10 All of which brought home the final lesson I had to go back to school to learn .
11 The meta-analysis was done with the statistical technique which gave either the highest p value for association or the lowest p value for heterogeneity ( Cochran 's method , Mantel-Haenzel method , Peto 's method , difference of rates , logarithm of odds ratio , Der Simonian 's method ) .
12 However , only one month earlier the High Court had reached a decision in W. H. Smith Do It All Ltd and Payless DIY Ltd v. Peterborough City Council [ 1990 ] 2 CMLR 577 , which gave exactly the opposite result .
13 The occasions that stand out in the three decades of our post-imperial era are : Duncan Sandys ' 1957 decision to recommend the end of National Service , which almost halved the Army ; the Kennedy/Macmillan Polaris agreement at Nassau in 1962 that led to the RAF losing responsibility to the Royal Navy for the British nuclear deterrent ; Denis Healey 's scrapping of the TSR2 in 1965 , which threatened to ‘ unhorse ’ the RAF 's knights ; his cancellation of the aircraft-carrier replacement programme in 1966 , which did much the same thing to the Royal Navy ; and John Nott 's attempt in 1981 to maintain the strength of the Rhine Army and RAF Germany at the expense of our maritime capability .
14 The New York-based human rights organization Asia Watch issued a report on May 4 which accused both the Indian government and militant groups of committing substantial human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir .
15 No one can enumerate the conditions and events which issued ill the first sighting of Halley 's Comet or the weights of man-made objects in the Northern Hemisphere in the nineteenth century , but it would be bizarre to say that no clear ideas attach to those definite descriptions .
16 Around the same time an ancient tomb was discovered in a garden only 250 yards from the skull rock which fitted exactly the biblical description .
17 It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category .
18 The ford in the river was blown up to make navigation easier and from time to time there appear to have been spectacular rock falls , one of which carried away the last vestiges of St Vincent 's Chapel which gave its name to St Vincent 's Rocks .
19 They passed through the entrance hall which ran almost the whole length of the house , their feet suddenly loud on the marble tessellated floor .
20 Sophia herself was wearing a green jersey suit and a small hat , but she felt that she did not look so absolutely right as Ianthe , whose plain blue woollen dress was set off by a feather-trimmed hat which had just the right touch of slightly dowdy elegance — if there could be such a thing .
21 items consisted of two pairs of hands which were either similarly or differently orientated , and pairs of faces which had either the same expression or a different one .
22 The Burnham Committee , which had since the First World War been responsible for determining the salaries of teachers , now produced a unified scheme , making no formal distinction between the remuneration of teachers in Primary , secondary modern , or grammar schools .
23 The Thurn und Taxis family , which had since the sixteenth century controlled the postal services of the smaller German States , maintained on behalf of the Emperor similar establishments in many cities of the Holy Roman Empire .
24 However , in 1932 a colleague of Rutherford 's at Cambridge , James Chadwick , discovered that the nucleus contained another particle , called the neutron , which had almost the same mass as a proton but no electrical charge .
25 This solution was applied both to aircraft and to Motor Torpedo Boats , which had much the same troubles as wooden aircraft .
26 Underlying these policy statements , and spelled out clearly in January 1967 in another speech by Crosland , was a portrayal of the distinctive history and character of the technical colleges — an emphasis which suggested both the positive virtues and potential of the polytechnics and the public sector in general , and the uncertainties and limitations involved — as highlighted by the ambiguities of the statement on research .
27 The Voluntary Fire Brigade of Kuala Kedah was formed in 1976 after a tragic fire which destroyed almost the entire village , burning down 800 houses and making more than 5,000 people homeless .
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