Example sentences of "which [vb past] [art] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the bride-to-be died in a smallpox epidemic , which plunged the city both into mourning and quarantine .
2 The advocates of a more rapid rundown were hampered by the domination of the debate by manpower figures , which led the issue away from the balance of payments .
3 The turf , dense and springy after the summer 's rain , was rolled into even stripes which led the eye away to the pine woods in the middle distance ; the forest obscured what had once been an inspiring view of the valley of the Dee , but shielded the castle from curious passers-by on the road that followed the river banks .
4 Eventually , Jack Hayden was promoted to station inspector which made a move away from Covent Garden Station necessary , but he was somewhat frustrated at not being able to re-establish contact with ‘ Charlie ’ , as he had christened the ghost .
5 The new institute , which got the go ahead from the university 's council last month , will develop technology to meet the needs of the elderly and the disabled .
6 For example , the author discovered an early fifteenth-century ‘ survey ’ of a village ( describing the sizes of fields and the uses to which they were put ) which mentioned a grange close to the manor house .
7 He forecast that the proposed workings would mean losing the beeches which lined the avenue immediately to the north of the site .
8 However , the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment , which reviewed the matter thoroughly in the early 1950s , and later law-reform committees have accorded preference to the ‘ general principle ’ that ‘ persons ought not to be punished for consequences of their acts which they did not intend or foresee ’ .
9 You see , when they took a century 's dust and dirt off those walls , they completely changed the acoustics , swapping grubby absorbency for beautiful , bright marble which bounced the sound all over the place .
10 The Retail Consortium , which lobbied the government hard for the abolition of what is known as the ‘ no discrimination ’ clause in agreements between banks and shopkeepers , was delighted .
11 Four cars were involved in the accident which happened a month ago on the Gloucester to Cirencester road at Duntisbourne Abbots .
12 Now the town has a permanent shrine to the Norseman , in the shape of CF–DRD , which served the community faithfully for 20 years before being mothballed in 1984 .
13 His book on the South African War — which placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Johannesburg mineowners and their cosmopolitan financial backers — was widely distributed by the pro-Boer movement .
14 Some of them apparently feel that the move flies in the face of the philosophy expressed in the document prepared by the task force which examined the way ahead for BBC Scotland .
15 Peter looked up at the archway which reached a peak just above the level of the garage roofs .
16 This was in part due to Reginald Birch 's illustrations which kept the boy always in black velvet and lace , even when he was riding his pony , and in part to the intense relationship between mother and son ; Mrs Burnett here had in mind herself and her son Vivian , upon whom Fauntleroy himself was modelled .
17 " You would have done it sooner or later , " she smiled , her eyes deep and dark , the single light they had lit earlier on which kept the room partially in shadow , lending her face a slightly mysterious air .
18 Being situated on the opposite side of the Fleet , it was approached from the College buildings by a strongly-built Rustic-bridge which spanned the river just in front of the Forge at the north end of the Ride …
19 The gallery above the ramp is divided into five distinct spaces for the Impressionist paintings inspired by Renoir and dating from after 1940 , the ‘ vache ’ paintings which occupied the artist briefly in 1948 and were the subject of a recent reassessment by Bernard Blistene , Director of the Musées de Marseilles , the rock or stone paintings , an important selection of gouaches and works on paper , and Magritte 's painted bottles and other objects .
20 ‘ Then , of course , the cataclysmic events of of 1989 and the recommendations of the Youth Commission , which attributed the debacle partly to the loss of credibility in the media , have all been determining factors .
21 The hon. Lady was probably referring to cuts in regional development grants , which reflected a move away from automatic grants which went into loss-making nationalised industries .
22 A tall and lean right-hander , he favoured the pull and a sliced drive-cum-cut which deposited the ball anywhere between extra cover and third man .
23 A gunsmith is taking Michael Heseltine , the President of the Board of Trade , to court over a bureaucratic blunder which left a company close to bankruptcy .
24 Then I lay over a great slab of rock which warmed the water almost to bath-heat .
25 The Metro does , however , have a few little problems ; the ghastly coloured light with which the dash is illuminated , a sort of blood-shot red ; some quite nasty , outdated body styling which involves add-on , red-striped plastic strips down the sides and a central locking system which emitted a noise rather like a very small horse coughing .
26 The forests were cleared over the years for a variety of reasons : because people were scared of wolves , which roamed the area well into the seventeenth century ; to make sure travellers could see robbers , before robbers saw them ; to provide timber for shipbuilding : trees were felled and floated downstream through Loch Tummel and the River Tay to Perth .
27 It is not therefore surprising that , for the most puritanical of neo-classicists , reactions such as Cicognara 's work which seduced the viewer away from what was considered ‘ true ’ or ‘ correct ’ in modern art .
28 The overwhelming case for his inclusion was neither as Archbishop nor as martyr but as author of the magnificent liturgy which held the Church together during the tribulations of the next century , and above all for his Collects , which Anglicans through four centuries would learn by heart as children and recite when they came to die .
29 This was the sixth IMF loan to Argentina since 1983 , a level of support which recognized the move away from traditional state-led economic policies and support of the welfare state in favour of austerity , tight fiscal control and an ambitious privatization programme [ see pp. 37500 ; 37529 ; 37608 ; 37710 ; 37773 ; 38096 ; 38003 ] .
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