Example sentences of "which [adv] [vb past] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The aggressive reaction in favour of Sacheverell at this time , however , should not obscure the fact that the whole affair merely served to fuel religious tensions which already existed in many parts of the country .
2 Ceauşescu 's obsession with numbers ought to have been satisfied by the overmanning which already existed in Romanian industry which could not really provide productive employment for the existing population .
3 On the other hand , even efficient ‘ managers ’ , such as Lord Ilay or Henry Dundas , could never claim absolute mastery of Scotland in fact , whatever they may have alleged to their colleagues , for no manager ever possessed a monopoly of desirable patronage , some of which always remained in private hands .
4 The whole area was saturated with water , which still trickled in little rivulets through the uneven cobble stones , and down the walls from the tiled roofs .
5 Yet the Crown derived little profit from the herds of deer which still remained in some forests : the Forest of Dean , for example , had in 1788 ‘ supplied only Four Bucks and Four Does Annually for the last Seven Years ’ .
6 There were several reasons why Adenauer pursued such a line of argument : it might be a way of helping the new West German state to achieve equality in the international order ; it might placate West German annoyance over the role of the International Ruhr Authority ; and it might in time offer an opportunity for West Germany to regain sovereignty of the coal and steel producing Saar , which still remained in French hands .
7 For they devised what Otto Neugebauer has described as ‘ the only intelligent calendar which ever existed in human history ’ .
8 What is more they appear to have done it , whether in small discussion groups , or the concerts and parties she helped to get under way to celebrate the ending of the war , which also came in that year .
9 But this is followed by the rather more specialist firms listed in Table 11.8 , Hotel Plan ( under the Inghams and Swan Plan labels ) , and Blue Sky which also specialised in this area .
10 An appeal was also made in the magazine Radio Communications which also resulted in several offers , including some Gee equipment from F W Milford of Norbury , London .
11 There have been two battles at Islip during the English Civil War , in 1644 and 1645 , which both resulted in Royalist defeats .
12 During the period under discussion there have been a considerable number of such pressure groups — for example , the Nationwide Festival of Light ; the Order of Christian Unity ; the Responsible Society ; the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child , LIFE , as well as a host of other , smaller groups — most of which actually originated in this period .
13 One of the two pressurized water reactors initially suffered the loss of normal feedwater supply which led to a turbine trip and later to a reactor trip which subsequently resulted in significant damage to portions of the reactor core .
14 The school or LEA would have to show that , for example , a requirement which affected one group more than another and which therefore resulted in indirect discrimination , was justifiable irrespective of a person 's race .
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