Example sentences of "which [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She had , only the other day , seen a policeman and -woman exerting more force than had seemed strictly necessary on a man in the street : at the time she had assumed that he had offered fierce resistance until she had turned the corner , at which moment he had been subdued .
2 He tried to remember which school she had been sent to : Haileybury , was it ?
3 This must have been in the two years between the autumn or summer of 1187 , when he left Paris , and September 1189 , by which time he had been created a cardinal deacon by his relative , Pope Clement III .
4 Mozart 's lodge , with others , was subsumed into a larger one , Zur neugekrönten Hoffnung ( New Crowned Hope ) , by which time he had been raised to the third degree , that of Master Mason .
5 With other Aumale followers , Richard Siward ( as he was now called ) was also retained in the household of William Marshal , second Earl of Pembroke [ q.v. ] , and appeared with him in London in 1216 , by which time he had been knighted .
6 By c1800 , the Norton family were there , by which time it had been reconstructed to house two fulling stocks and a gig mill .
7 His ill-starred daughter , of whose birth on 8 December 1542 James heard on his deathbed , was kept at Linlithgow for seven months , by which time it had been agreed that she should in the fullness of time marry Edward , heir to Henry VIII of England .
8 The Royal College of Psychiatrists , at the recommendation of the Spokes Inquiry , published Good medical practice in the aftercare of potentially violent or vulnerable patients discharged from in-patient psychiatric treatment in October 1991 , by which time it had been overtaken by the introduction of the care programme approach .
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