Example sentences of "or [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hakon cheated by turning up with seven or eight warships as opposed to the agreed number of two ships adhered to by St Magnus .
2 This meant that changes in crime rates , or variations between different settings ( such as urban and rural ) , which had played an important part in theories relating social or economic conditions and change to crime , could equally well be explained by variations in crime-recording practices .
3 Consultant Peter Thompson destroyed a hesitant rally when he forecast the FT-SE share index ending the month at 2,100 or 2,200 points and sinking to 1,800 next year .
4 Do n't wear perfume when sunbathing — even skins that are n't usually sensitive may develop a rash or brown marks when exposed to the sun .
5 Count the number of beats in either 15 or 30 seconds and multiply by either four or two to obtain the resting pulse rate .
6 What are the cultural or historical forces that contribute to these problems ?
7 The cottages were small and damp , with earth floors and none of the cooking or sanitary arrangements that make for domestic comfort .
8 It also means that , in principal , audio could be imported from other sources such as hard or floppy discs and combined in the CD-ROM environment via uploading through the ‘ XA ’ board .
9 A Warlord may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
10 Any Battle Standard Bearer may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
11 Any Big Boss may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
12 Any Shaman may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
13 MAY RIDE : Gorfang Rotgut may ride a war boar ( +8 points ) , or a monster ( see separate Monster List ) , or he can ride a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section .
14 The video camera scans photographs ( or , of course , a real person ) and encodes the image into pixels — picture elements or numerical values that correspond to the lightness or darkness of the image .
15 The best way to practise is to mark out two or three kilometres and practise on your individual horse .
16 Cook for two or three minutes and remove from the heat .
17 Why could I never go about arm in arm with two or three others and stare at girls ?
18 he spent erm , two years in the services I think dur during the war , two or three years and went through a bit of action and then , I think she said he was a policeman when he came out he , he joined the police force and he was cycling home one day and erm , I do n't know , he fell off the bicycle , hit his head and he died
19 Break the cinnamon sticks into two or three pieces and add to the pan .
20 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
21 He brought the dog in every two or three days and paid on the nail .
22 Most employers are reluctant to pay too much attention to personal circumstances , such as marital status or domestic problems when arriving at redundancy decisions .
23 The department welcomes applications from graduates , particularly those with a veterinary degree , to undertake postgraduate studies in the veterinary clinical sciences , or basic sciences that relate to clinical disciplines .
24 A class which has a rest every 3 or 4 minutes but trains for an hour would be better off training non-stop for 30 minutes .
25 The majority of temporary workers are simultaneously part-time workers and , especially for those in seasonal , temporary or casual jobs and employed in the service sector , the extent of overlap between temporary and part-time working is high .
26 When I was a union official , most — if not most , a good part — of the serious or fatal accidents that occurred at my pit involved men who were working excessive hours .
27 This does separate members of a run of keys , but it fails to separate two or more records that randomize to a particular storage position .
28 Even so , considerable errors can build up over the period of ten or more years that elapses between one Census date and the time when the finalized results of the next Census can be used .
29 ARC is a term commonly used to describe one or more illnesses that occur during HIV infection which are not formally regarded to be AIDS .
30 To prove whether a place is ‘ public ’ could necessitate taking a statement from a person who had authorised access to a normally private place ; enquiring about and keeping observations on the place to show actual usage ; or describing any permanent or temporary signs that relate to who had access .
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