Example sentences of "that can [be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To encourage developers to write more modular software that can take advantage of systems that support Threads — a Thread can be any part of an application or programme that is not dependent on the result or outcome of another ( that can be treated as a task in its own right ) — Posix has a committee working on a Threads application programming interface standard .
2 I think the key point is Yeltsin , like Gorbachev , unlike the coup leaders is part of a very privileged elite in the Soviet Union and the difference is that to express the erm , you know trying to put them , advance themselves in society at the expense of the rest of Soviet 's society , applicable difference is erm much more inventive and sort of packed on the end to justify er that , that the moves they are making , I mean at , you know like I say that can be seen in the very democratic step that Yeltsin 's been taking since he 's been the Russian president .
3 There is little that can be done down the sides of the door , beyond checking that the weatherstrip provided ( usually a rubber flap or brush strip ) is in order .
4 There 's little that can be done about the former ( it 's a consequence of Improv 's structure ) but the latter will be addressed in a future release .
5 Figure 6.3 is about the best that can be done with the lunar data at present .
6 In 1922 , Collins promised on behalf of the Labour Party that ‘ all that can be done under the Maternity and Child Welfare Acts in the way of helping necessitous , and expectant and nursing mothers , and caring for young children would have our support ’ ( Election leaflet 1922 ) .
7 That can be done in a day you know .
8 Bernard Lane , one of the authors of the handbook , said : ‘ The students find that there is much more that can be done in the village than was thought .
9 The planning implications of this policy became clear in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 ( 1988 ) : ‘ Opencast coal can often be produced cheaply and profitably … ( it ) is also an integral part of British Coal 's overall production and makes a vital contribution to their finances … it is in the national interest to maximise production where that can be done in an environmentally acceptable way ’ .
10 The best that can be said for the education available for the children of the eighteenth-century poor is that it managed to maintain the levels of the later seventeenth century .
11 All that can be said of the experiment at CERN is what the physicists there did say .
12 There is much that can be said about the advantages of such a strategy , which is flexible and which can penetrate secular buildings with the salt of the gospel touching the lives of many who otherwise have no contact with the church .
13 So indeed it might have pleased him , for as has subsequently become clear , the best that can be said about the debate , from the Prime Minister 's point of view , is that he had one facet of the truth while General Maurice had another .
14 Because there is no record 0 , the nearest that can be obtained to a continuous set of numbers will be : Thus addresses : are missing .
15 The corresponding value of the magnetic flux density is B1 = B(H1) that can be obtained from the B-H curve , as shown in Fig. 3.14 .
16 That can be illustrated by a complete lack of information in front of us on the that that actually applies any consistency to er the the environmental discount applying in different parts of the county .
17 Characteristically he uses the imagery of song to point to the highest kind of contemplative experience of God : The Form unfolds a process of definition which comes full circle back to its beginning so that that can be understood in a new way : the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time .
18 Once more , however , that can be handled by a proper definition of the axes ; obviously it is future profitability of incremental investment that should go into the assessment of SBU attractiveness .
19 The effect of the maxim is to add to most utterances a pragmatic inference to the effect that the statement presented is the strongest , or most informative , that can be made in the situation ; in many cases the implicatures can be glossed by adding only to the propositional content of the sentence , e.g. " Nigel has only fourteen children " , " the flag is only white " , " Harry only got a fine " .
20 that is , that is what , that is what exists to do , or one of the things that exists to do as the U K sales company our business is to give the projections for a particular piece of business , and if we see any other similar bits of business around it that 's fine , that 's , that needs to be added to it , but to give our vision of that particular piece of business , feed that into the marketing people in , and say , look , this is the situation if we go this way , this is what we think is going to happen , if we do this , this is going to happen , if we do n't do this , this is what 's going to happen , so that that can be fed into an overall picture , and they will come back , I presume , and say , right , we now have enough information to know that it 's going to be worth =vesting , investing in production of sixteen double O fours in er Peter .
21 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
22 Characters , drawings , etc , that can be transferred to the artwork by rubbing them off the back of the transfer sheet .
23 The most that can be achieved by the summit is to keep the Community from toppling over the edge .
24 That can be achieved in the context of the objections that have been duly made .
25 Even with the help of highly motivated and expert Benefits Agency staff , I can not see how , with the best will in the world , that can be achieved in an ordered way .
26 Spectacular cures for iron deficiency are possible with iron sulphate , but the safest way to use it is as a very weak solution — no more that can be heaped on a 1p coin in a full gallon of water — mist-sprayed on just enough to make the leaves glisten , not drench and drip .
27 Lyons ( 1977a : 669 ) inclines to a view that , since place-deictic terms like this and that can be used in a temporal sense ( especially to refer to proximal and distal parts of an unfolding discourse ) , place deixis is more fundamental than time deixis .
28 That can be delivered by the industry , rather than by the words of politicians .
29 Furniture requires finishes that can be made perfectly smooth to the touch and that can be brought to a mirror-like gloss , if required .
30 All that can be surmised of the apparently endless demand for Cooper 's paintings beyond an obvious urban desire for a monolithic , idyllically produced rural peace , is that his reception gives evidence of a constant market , particularly an urban market , for well produced animal painting .
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