Example sentences of "that will be [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , well if I ca n't find her , I will have to ring her up and say what hours is she doing here ? and I think that will be a way of finding out , but I 'm not coming before nine and if she 's not here at nine I will want to know why , what time she 's started . .
2 But that will be a bit of a
3 Assuming no last-minute collapse , that will be a triumph for Peter Brooke , the Northern Ireland secretary .
4 Perhaps that will be a thought for people who foolishly keep money under the mattress or in a jam jar .
5 Though that will be a charge for elderly people attending Day Centres for elderly people , mentally handicapped people erm disabled people and so on .
6 But that will be a matter for the courts of [ Australia ] .
7 But that will be a matter for the courts of country A.
8 A is not alleging that B has broken his contract — he is simply saying ‘ Now you must perform — and if you fail to do so , that will be a breach of contract . ’
9 If a hotel gains a reputation for high standards and professionalism in handling this type of business , that will be a recommendation in itself .
10 But that will be no consolation to the kids who wo n't have that choice .
11 These definitions enable us to say quite categorically that a household 's expenditure on food is consumption — the food will be eaten within a short period of time and that will be an end of the matter .
12 ‘ But after Liverpool I 'd love to step on stage in London 's West End yeah , now that WILL be the day for me . ’
13 That will be the case in respect of this legislation , and a host of anomalies will come to light .
14 The book will help you tell one bird from another and that will be the spur to further enquiry .
15 But I do n't think that will be the finding of the assembly council .
16 He then makes the kind of silly gaffe — getting his hair cut while Air Force One sits at Los Angeles airport , closing down two runways — that will be the stuff of jokes about him for as long as he is in public life .
17 At least that will be the attitude of the minister who has scrabbled around ( perhaps even ringing up a colleague on the Saturday night ) in a desperate search for that elusive thing , the good children 's address .
18 So , not saying that will be the situation in every case , but certainly there will be a number of occasions during the week , er when that kind of arrangement will apply , and hopefully it will help us to get through the business a little bit , er , quicker .
19 That will be the end of Fidel Castro 's military adventures in Africa .
20 If you decide not to go ahead , just return the policy within 15 days and that will be the end of the matter .
21 If the bedroom you occupy is large enough to be turned into a comfortable bed-sitting-room , or if you have your own private sitting-room in the house , you can avoid trouble and confrontation by entertaining friends there , and that will be the end of it ; but if not , after a tactful explanation of your needs to your parent , you should get to the point of suggesting clearly that she might agree to retire to her room for a few hours sometimes when your friends come to the home ( after you have all shared a meal together first , if she wishes ) .
22 And soon it will catch me up and I 'll be bloodsuckled and toothpluckled and stonechuckled and chewed up into tiny pieces , and then the Spittler will spit me out in a cloud of smoke and that will be the end of me ! ’
23 ‘ And that will be the end of it ? ’
24 ‘ Give me the bag and that will be the end of it . ’
25 You 'll catch hell for coming out here but that will be the end of it .
26 In an intra-linguistic description , we will simply state this difference as a structural linguistic fact ( and do the same for the other differences we notice ) and that will be the end of it : dialect A has one structure , and dialect B has another .
27 That will be the end of the 1992–93 session , and if possible we 'd like to start again in the autumn on ( probably ) 27 September , continuing till 29 November .
28 But once I have you , by God , that will be the end of it ! ’
29 According to Stamfordham , ‘ The King frightened by Glasgow speeches , including especially one by Campbell Stephen , saying that if J. R. M [ i.e. MacDonald ] is refused a dissolution , that will be the end of the Monarchy .
30 And ultimately , that will be the end of the line for every one us .
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