Example sentences of "that part [prep] [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A search-light may scan the sky looking for aeroplanes or it may move to that part of the sky where they are expected to be .
2 Thank you er er Mr Mayor , erm I knew we would get to that part of the agenda where .
3 I do n't think , for instance , that I should want my death assumed and my property disposed of too soon , so we wo n't go into that part of the affair just now , if you do n't mind .
4 As I read the judgment of the assistant recorder this was his true ratio on that part of the case wherein the absence of consideration was raised in argument .
5 IN THE Autumn of 1992 , Connecticut-based Turbine Engine Services [ TES ] brought a continuous electricity supply to an isolated town in Eastern Malaysia — the first location in that part of the country not to endure three to four hours a day of blackouts on a regular basis .
6 Victoria has slipped from that part of the head where pressing thoughts gather , taking with her a lot of the baggage that was cluttering up the hallways .
7 But Brown did not tell Pincher that some of those agents had been betrayed with the knowledge and authority of MI6 , as part of Blake 's supposed role as a double agent , because the government had suppressed that part of the story just as it had Blake 's part in the Berlin tunnel affair .
8 These mathematical counterparts of physical acts of measurement are found in that part of the jungle where the map is marked " here are operators " .
9 It is accomplished in that part of the jungle where the map is marked " here are eigen-values and eigenvectors " .
10 Worse still , we 're now entering that part of the year when those pathetic excuses ‘ leaves on the line ’ and ‘ the wrong type of snow ’ will be trotted out to explain away timetable chaos .
11 The yellow lines mean that during that part of the year when they apply — the summer months — people attending services are not allowed to park outside the church and presumably the restrictions would apply to hearses and wedding cars as well .
12 Those … who relapse into a culturally predominant style will find themselves rightly restricted to that part of the organisation where their culture prevails .
13 That part of the rule now reads : —
14 Ironically , that part of the vine still receiving its principal nourishment from the grafted rootstock would send out its own shoots and , unchecked by any sort of pruning , these would produce hybrid fruit of an unplanned nature .
15 I placed it in that part of the room where we need the light , with something which , if I believed in it , I would call instinct .
16 It would be hard to give a satisfactory explanation if he were found in that part of the house so late at night .
17 In sum , the ‘ peaceful ’ purpose of the Soviet Armed Forces , as of Soviet policy , is to move history along in that part of the world where Socialism has not yet triumphed — by casting a shadow and making its presence felt , by posing as an ‘ obstacle ’ against Imperialism 's interference with the ‘ revolutionary struggle ’ ; by erecting a protecting canopy over change .
18 On the contrary , it is to yearn for closer unity to be built on firm foundations and to reflect the real desires of a complex patchwork of different nations and of peoples who live in that part of the world geographically known as Europe .
19 But our captain , who knew that part of the world very well , warned us that there would be a storm the next day .
20 Hughes argues that part of the reason why the former communist bloc is portrayed as highly polluted is the unrealistic safety standards set by the governments of the states themselves , which are far more stringent than those of the EC and USA .
21 helped them I often think , was that part of the reason why I was n't on ?
22 Channel 4 said that the word was used to describe that part of the body rather than gratuitously to offend …
23 If you draw a line from Loughborough down the A six , through the city of Leicester and on to Market Harborough to the east of that line , in that part of the county where most of the hunting takes place , there is one small piece of land , less than one acre , somewhere near Thorpe Satchfield which we actually control .
24 The Ayrshire land granted to Walter Fitzallan was in that part of the county still called Kyle , which is , roughly , the land between the rivers Irvine and Doon .
25 Can I ask us to move the amendment erm in one A those in favour of that part of the amendment please show one A.
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