Example sentences of "which [modal v] have [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the finds , these represent all that is left of the excavated site , and so are extremely important ; they also represent the investment in the excavation from a financial point of view , which may have cost a considerable amount of money , and it is therefore usual to duplicate them , storing one copy far away from the original records in case of accidents .
2 The reader will probably object that a hideous primal trauma of parricide and rape is all very well for purposes of explaining the subsequent guilt and neurotic inhibitions of the perpetrators of these ghastly crimes , but can hardly hope to explain how they succeeded in transmitting their new-found superegos to their children , and certainly will not explain how , when all the primal fathers were gone ( a process which may have taken a considerable period of time admittedly , but which must have happened eventually ) , when there were no more primal parricides to be procured , human societies could still construct their civilization on the acquisition of the superego .
3 In any further consideration of ’ Options for Change ’ will the Minister take into account lessons from the Gulf war such as heavy lift , better intelligence especially on targeting , mine counter-measures , which may have inhibited an amphibious operation , and , above all , fire from friendly forces , which underlines the need for the IFF — identification , friend or foe — system which has so far eluded NATO ?
4 Our data were subject to several constraints : a far lower response rate from probation officers in the second survey ; the effects of changes in agency policies and practices during the two survey years ( e.g. medics ' notifying practices , police detection efforts/successes ) ; the ‘ loss ’ of some users identified in the first survey , and of some new users , to institutions and agencies not covered by the research ( e.g. custody , rehabilitation units , drug agencies in adjacent areas ) ; disillusionment with some agencies among heroin users ( particularly medical services ) , which may have produced a higher ratio of unknown to known users than in the previous year ; the optimistic assumption of 20 per cent annual outcidence-for instance , one review of follow-up studies of opioid users suggests that outcidence after one year is typically around 10 per cent , and may only reach 40–50 per cent after ten years , even for those who have received ‘ treatment ’ ( Home Office 1986 , ch. 7 ) ; and the decline in the size of the youth population , due largely to the drop in the birth rate during the 1960s-that is , the absolute number of known heroin users could decrease while the rate per 1,000 youths remained the same or even increased ( the population figures from which our prevalence rates were calculated derived from 1981 Census statistics , and do not take into account projected trends ) .
5 In 1018 the English paid the very large sum of £82,500 , and came to an agreement with the Danes at Oxford which may have marked the formal end of hostilities ; the same year part of Cnut 's fleet sailed to Denmark .
6 These included care of the mentally ill ( which then also included the elderly with mental disability ) — these categories which should have received a bigger slice of the cake , actually received a smaller percentage of health board funding during the funding period from 1981–82 to 1985–86 .
7 The press-gang gave politicians an effective method of giving a very real service to the parties more directly concerned , and it was one which should have created a lasting sense of obligation , for life before the mast in one of His Majesty 's ships was not likely to be easily forgotten .
8 Dana read a group of modern Americans , which must have annoyed the British , starting with Elizabeth Bishop 's ‘ The Fish ’ — I can still hear his voice , the faint American accent and the hushed astonishment he put into the first line : ‘ I caught a tremendous fish … . ’
9 It was a strange situation , which must have made a lasting impression on Richard , who was more than usually close to his mother .
10 Whether Terence O'Neill was committed to promoting the sorts of reforms which might have satisfied the Catholic minority is unknown .
11 There are the rare cases , as with the bronze and brass Etruscan statuettes described above , where a few moments spent performing a surface analysis can unequivocally solve a problem , which might have remained a stylistic conundrum for ever .
12 Mrs Thatcher 's gamble , which might have caused a huge crisis and the fall of the government , came off triumphantly .
13 On the other hand , there were steps which de Gaulle might have taken in 1944 – 46 — steps which might have produced a better outcome on the ( to him ) all-important issue of the constitution and might also have bolstered his popularity .
14 When Myra was regressed she was unable to come up with anything which might have had a distressing effect upon her before the incident with her cousin .
15 By stripping the Volta scheme of all the ancillary facilities which could have stimulated a Ghanaian industrial revolution , Kaiser and Reynolds succeeded in creating the conditions for one of the most prosperous aluminium smelters in the world … at what was then the lowest power rate in the world .
16 Only if the government of the day was prepared to fund an idea which could have secured a new source of energy , and helped revitalise a region , would the barrage dream have become a reality .
17 ONE OF Czechoslovakia 's most prominent dissidents , Stanislav Devaty , has gone underground rather than face an appeal hearing which could have confirmed a 20-month jail sentence .
18 The massive sub-structure implies an upper floor or a sequence of floors which could have comprised a substantial house .
19 It is highly likely that there was no possible adjustment to the gold price in the 1960s which would have ensured an adequate flow of gold into the reserves of the USA and other countries .
20 There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and if I had been working , I would have told him to buckle down — which would have done no good at all .
21 The frontispiece from a copy of the music from the Peer Gynt suite by Grieg was a beautiful piece of artwork even before it was decorated , so I only arranged some flowers in two of the corners , rather than all the way round , which would have overpowered the original design .
22 This fell short , however , of the two-thirds majority in the 250-seat Supreme Soviet which would have given the Round Table a free hand to effect constitutional changes .
23 From the discussions that I have had with those groups and from some statements that I have received — I do not want to go into detail because they were confidential — I am confident that a solution could have been found which would have formed a reasoned consensus for those groups , for the interests that they represent and for the House .
24 According to the owner 's agent , Robert Holden , the owners offered to give the house and land in exchange for £1.8 for the contents , which would have formed an enhanced tax douceur .
25 After discreet soundings , they prudently abandoned the idea , which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence .
26 The measure , which would have involved the first overseas deployment of Japanese forces since 1945 , was condemned by the opposition as unconstitutional ( it was argued that Article 9 of Japan 's post-war Constitution prohibited the country 's participation in acts of collective defence ) and by the governments of many of Japan 's neighbours as an undesirable manifestation of nascent Japanese militarism .
27 Mike Brearley , the subsequent England captain and a Cambridge graduate with a distinctly academic turn of mind , was revealing in his reasons for turning down the offer , which would have overturned the historical structure of international cricket : ‘ Money apart , Kerry Packer is not my style .
28 In Kettering , Northamptonshire , new operating theatres which would have cost an extra £250,000 a year to open will stand unused until at least next April .
29 Taking my situation instanced earlier , the event ( of a cheque which would have caused a negative balance ) and its context ( a good credit history over 20 years , small mortgage in relation to the property value and an otherwise steady income ) could have been exploited as clear marketing opportunities .
30 Even broken sets can fetch large sums , and a complete bound run is likely to cost the buyer anything up to £4,000 , which would have gone a long way to paying Ackermann 's army of workmen .
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