Example sentences of "which [pron] have give the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the reasons which I have given the order made by Millett J. must be restored .
2 They differ from connotative terms like ‘ metal ’ — and to this extent ‘ are in the same condition as proper names ’ — in that whereas to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this thing a ‘ metal ’ ? ’ the answer , ‘ Things of which it is true that their oxide dissolved in water yields an alkaline solution ’ can be given ; to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ ? ’ the only answer that can be given is , ‘ Sensations to which I have given the name ‘ a sensation of white ’ ’ , an answer that does not ‘ unfold the signification of this class of names ’ .
3 Sturt 's Letter your Lordship will find some interesting remarks upon a species of Gallinule to which I have given the name of Tribonyx ventralis and which I shall shortly publish in my work … ’
4 May I ask the Minister a question of which I have given the Department of Trade and Industry notice ?
5 From the Communist viewpoint their campaign had been justified by the vote of 592,000 for affiliation and by the importance which it had given the Party in the eyes of militant Labour Party members .
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