Example sentences of "which [pron] [is] [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like a number of other cultural forms , popular music in the west is dominated by a commercial market system , which itself is dominated by a handful of transnational companies .
2 JULIA Roberts ' latest film is Joseph Reuben 's Sleeping With The Enemy , in which she is terrorised by a jealous , violent husband ( Patrick Bergen ) .
3 In contrast to the earlier situation , there are seven unknowns ( X , Y , p x , p y , w , r and n ) , of which one is determined by the choice of numeraire .
4 We would add that to suggest giving equal status to what is currently thought to be feminine or masculine is to ignore the way in which one is defined by the other .
5 In reality , just as the user could n't care less what language a piece of software was written in , it does n't matter which one is used by the desktop publishing program .
6 According to Miller & Dollard ( 1941 ) , " The follower ( the student ) learns to model his behaviour on that of another ( the teacher ) through responding to cues of sameness , for which he is rewarded by a reduction of anxiety , and to cues of difference , which increase the strength of the anxiety drive .
7 Any intuitions we may have about Anderson 's loquacity and the way in which it is affected by the events of the play are thus lent support by the results of tabulating the distribution of long turns .
8 That process was continued by the EEC through its Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) , for which it is estimated by the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation ( OEDC ) each adult in the EEC is now paying over £220 a year as a taxpayer and consumer .
9 Nowadays , between ten and twenty-five times as much penicillin would need to be given routinely with the addition of another drug , probenecid , which helps to maintain high blood- and tissue levels of the antibiotic by reducing the rate at which it is eliminated by the kidneys , and even then there is no guarantee of success .
10 A Microsoft Corp staffer is reported to have told Sun Microsystems Inc that Microsoft would make Windows such a moving target that Sun , with its WABI Windows Application Binary Interface , could not keep up ( CI No 2,147 ) : if the tale is true and Microsoft means it , it means that the company has learned a little too well from its long cohabitation with IBM , and that the seeds of its own destruction are now being sown — for years , IBM added features and tweaked its mainframes with no thought of improving them from the user 's point of view , but simply to trip up competitors , and once a dominant company starts resorting to such tactics , it fatally injures the regard with which it is held by the outside world , and is embarking on the slippery slope that leads to the debacle IBM finds itself in today .
11 That is an example of the arbitrary nature of the capping arrangement , and shows the extent to which it is controlled by the Secretary of State .
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