Example sentences of "which [pron] [modal v] [verb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) Ensure the activities provide learning experiences for pupils through which you can assess their attainment of each attainment target or one in particular .
2 Recently , I met with er , the probation people from Social Services to discuss exactly what Major has asked about , which is follow up on juvenile fire setters , and find out if there 's any way in which we can modify their behaviour .
3 Let us consider possible distortions and ways in which we can minimize their effect .
4 But it is also true that journalists and editors know full well that public relations is an important source of information for their work and often can be the instrument through which they may obtain their story .
5 Create a training incentive for firms through the introduction of a levy equal to 2% of payroll , from which they would deduct their expenditure on training .
6 Human beings chose the imagery through which they would capture their understanding of God .
7 The success subjects should be expected to have in this matching process and the situations under which they would change their target levels are not clear .
8 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
9 In a new pool they often die because the water has not matured and there is insufficient debris on the pool floor in which they can make their home .
10 This is an expanding market of course and potential sponsors are constantly searching for an appropriate product on which they can lavish their money .
11 ‘ Defence has been perfected to a remarkable degree , ’ he said , ‘ and I have heard it suggested that through its further development football may be brought to a state of stalemate … it will be a sorry reflection on forwards if they have not the intelligence , the inventiveness to devise means by which they can carry their attack to a successful end . ’
12 Most teleost fish are equipped with gas-filled ‘ swim-bladders ’ , with which they can adjust their buoyancy to the particular depth .
13 This doctrine appears in an altered form in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads where Wordsworth tells us that he had written about ‘ low and rustic life … because in that situation the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity ’ .
14 This is supported by Wordsworth 's defence of his choice of the common people as subject matter — ‘ Low and rustic life was generally chosen , because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity … ’
15 Which means that we talk to them about a reasonable rate at which they can pay their rent .
16 Thus even for the privileged few the length of time during which they can enjoy their peak earnings is being restricted .
17 The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and to then suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge e.g. by providing a suitable booklist on cultural background and immigrant experiences .
18 While a company can not deprive itself of its power to alter its articles , an agreement by which shareholders ( without binding future shareholders ) agree personally between themselves about the manner in which they will exercise their voting powers is enforceable ( p 112 ) .
19 Thus , while a company can not deprive itself of its power to alter its articles , an agreement by which shareholders ( without binding future shareholders ) agree personally between themselves about the manner in which they will exercise their voting powers is enforceable .
20 To support their plan the generals secretly subvent large sums from the Chiefs of Staff 's contingency fund in order to build a secret airbase in the Texas desert from which they will launch their coup .
21 Within Christianity , people have sought out symbols through which they could formulate their faith , such as the doctrine of the trinity .
22 It 's , it 's by actually looking at , well I , in Bill and Kevin 's appraisal I actually tackled it through their appraisal because we discussed , in quite a lot of depth , erm what their workload and ways in which they could change their workload
23 If anything , these developments strengthened the links with England : the sugar planters , just like the tobacco farmers , needed a market to which they could send their staple export product , and England was turning into a market that was always ready to absorb new products for domestic consumption or for re-export through its expanding commercial system .
24 He wheeled his horse , and roared his own knights round upon their bowmen ; and the loyal among the marksmen set up an answering howl , and fell out as best they could , leaping sidelong into the bushes and up the heathery slope , to stand clear of the slaughter and find a vantage-point again from which they could play their part .
25 There were no landmarks , no features by which they could determine their position even if it had been light enough to see them .
26 They had had to pass straight through some of the villages which were completely full and did not know where they would go next , but would stop at the first village in which they could park their coach .
27 There they laboured and ate and prayed and slept and raised their kids , and treasured their stockpile of bolt guns and heavy stub weapons with which they must defend their domicile and livelihood against families not allied to them nor owing fealty to Lord Spinoza .
28 Perhaps we should reconsider whether it is necessary to give women a precise date on which they should expect their baby to arrive .
29 They raised £100 in the process , which they used to order their flag .
30 In spite of the political persecutions after 1848 , political or ideological refugees formed only a small fraction of mass emigration , even in 1849–54 , though at one time the radicals among them controlled half the German-language press of the United States , which they used to denounce their country of refuge .
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